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View Full Version : .map format

08-02-2003, 09:17 AM
This is for my own reference really.

First line:

Plane of Tranquility,Potranquility,5000,5000
<long name>,<short name>,<length>,<width>


<dunno>,<name>,<color>,<no. points>,<x0>,<y0>,<z0>,<x1>,<y1>,<z1>

will post more as I work it out, there's probably a topic somewhere covering the map format, but I didn't find it.


08-08-2003, 07:36 AM
M= Line a couple of points connected with lines in the given color
(Perhaps M= multible Points ;) )

P,Succor Point,white,-1334,214
P= Single point, name,color, x,y

Mr. Suspicious
08-08-2003, 10:06 AM
will post more as I work it out, there's probably a topic somewhere covering the map format, but I didn't find it.

'Common all it takes to find the "topic somewhere" is a little use of the old grey cells: This is even covered in the "Documents section (http://sourceforge.net/docman/?group_id=10131)"

Please use the documentation available, but perhaps I'm just from "the old world" where people would actually read the documentation instead of tossing it out of the window with the wrappings.