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08-07-2003, 04:54 PM
do we have and rare spawn logs for this yet there are named mobs in a large number of zones that aren't showing as named on the map.

Blind Aviator
08-07-2003, 06:07 PM
You can easily add the rare spawns to the list as I do when I come along them...

Sometimes I get the names from Allakhazams and sometimes I just add from what I have seen...


08-07-2003, 06:16 PM
ok great that just what a wanted to hear..

now is there a way to add a hugh listing say.
A Guardian of Zek
Adjutant Cryyrn
Adjutant Daggeruk
Adjutant Derkan
Adjutant Droggren
Adjutant Frinevrn
Adjutant Hekrandor
Adjutant Hoggren
Adjutant Jharll
Adjutant Khellendor
Adjutant Stormkeeper
Adjutant Strongaxe
Adjutant Thyek
Adjutant Velsharek
Lieutenant Coldforge
Lieutenant Fangcaller
Lieutenant Frostbite
Lieutenant Peldiyrem
Lieutenant Stormeye
Lieutenant Vellos
Sentinel Bvellor
Sentinel Drakeslayer
Sentinel Fleshflayer
Sentinel Harzok
Sentinel Stonetrader
Sentinel Sunderdrake
Sentinel Thunderfist
Sentinel Thurdiel
Sentinel Veldrendyr
Sentinel Weldren
Trooper Bargrik
Trooper Coldstone
Trooper Daelbrund
Trooper Derheim
Trooper Dlemdimor
Trooper Dragsk
Trooper Ebonblade
Trooper Gyarll
Trooper Jhonev
Trooper Khyren
Trooper Mjflean
Trooper Mykeor
Trooper Nyorll
Trooper Pejhayor
Trooper Relhjorn
Trooper Sardek
Trooper Skalden
Trooper Strengekkar
Trooper Syenn
Trooper Uthmytel
Veteran Eiyloren
Veteran Icecaller
Veteran Kltrem
Veteran Mjrlind
Veteran Skeldek
Veteran Surlren
Veteran Yllhaydm

easy enough right all the mobs have have been known to drop thrug quest armor right. how do i add all of these mobs in one shot instead of adding them one at a time from inside myseq.
thanks for the help guys.

Blind Aviator
08-07-2003, 10:00 PM
Copy all the names just as you have them there & paste them into the filters.conf file located in myseq client directory..