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View Full Version : Problem with the red dot

08-14-2003, 09:08 PM
I downloaded all the files like needed, installed them to the correct folders, browsed the board on how to fix the red dot issue, but I can't get rid of it. (red dot in the middle of the screen, no map or mobs load up)

I have changed the IP to match that of my machine (both EQ and MySEQ on same one).

I searched for a FAQ (as I'd have thought it'd be most likely covered) but I could not find one.

Any help would be appreciated.

EDIT: OK, so like, I loaded it up and it seems to be working fine now (not a clue how, I didn't change anything!?)

08-16-2003, 07:08 PM
Ok I am having this problem atm. 2 machines. EQ and server on 1 and myseq on other. add ip address tp myseq and start it and get nothing but red dot.

Both machines have .net installed. map folder at path c:\wseq\myseq\maps

newest offsets - newest client and server and maps.

Any ideas?