View Full Version : Aug 26 decode.cpp

08-26-2003, 04:26 PM
* Decode.cpp
* ShowEQ Distributed under GPL
* http://www.hackersquest.gomp.ch/

#include "main.h"
#include "decode.h"

uint16_t implicitlen (uint16_t opcode)
switch (opcode) {
case 0x0017: // 23
return 0x08; // 8
case 0x0022: // 34
return 0x12; // 18
case 0x0039: // 57
return 0x0c; // 12
case 0x00bc: // 188
return 0x08; // 8
case 0x00db: // 219
return 0x17; // 23
case 0x00ec: // 236
return 0x04; // 4
case 0x00f9: // 249
return 0x88; // 136
case 0x00fa: // 250
return 0x1f; // 31
case 0x0125: // 293
return 0x09; // 9
case 0x0134: // 308
return 0x04; // 4
case 0x013a: // 314
return 0x08; // 8
case 0x0217: // 535
return 0x03; // 3
case 0x0218: // 536
return 0x03; // 3
case 0x022d: // 557
return 0x06; // 6
case 0x022e: // 558
return 0x06; // 6
return 0;

Here are some opcodes:
ZoneEntryCode 0x0224
CharProfileCode 0x0067
ZoneSpawnsCode 0x0169
CPlayerItemsCode 0x02c5
NewSpawnCode 0x0201
NewZoneCode 0x00e4

There is gonna be a little ugly issue with the PlayerPosCode. It is now 20 bytes if someone else is moving, but 32 bytes if you yourself are movin. Need to work this out.

working on more opcodes...lots of small packet size changes that are annoying. But lots of folks are faster at this than I, so here is the decode.cpp...happy hunting


08-26-2003, 07:11 PM
would u be willing to share your debugging process in order to help others become more adept at helping when things change?

For instance, packet.cpp has a number of #defines that turn on a vast flood of debugging output if you recompile with them enabled. Is that what you use to observe opcodes?

There's also some stuff built into the GUI

Network | Opcode Monitoring | (4 options here).

I havent played with this option

Network | Log | Zone Data

the Loggin options seem to dump huge hex traces into global.log and world.log. How do you use these?

For information gathering.. there's a FLOOD of information. Do you typically try and find a quiet zone and trigger known actions (open container, inspect, etc) and observe the packet stream?

Any narrative description of debugging techniques would be helpful to the community at large.

08-26-2003, 07:42 PM
When I try to find out new opCodes, I add in a printf before the switch(opCode) line in packet.cpp to display all opCodes.

This usually spits out way too much info, so i end up putting in an if around it to eliminate the opCodes that are constantly repeated.

Then just go to quiet zone and repeat the action that you are trying to find the opcode for. For example, I wanted to find the BeginCastCode opcode, so I just repeatedly cast a spell till i could see the opcode appearing as i just started casting. Unfortunately, the opcode I found of 0x00bb reports that the packet size has changed.

08-26-2003, 08:42 PM
wow never done this before but now it seems quite easy that I used the search and tought myself...

stumbled upon this one...

BeginCastCode is 0x0017...old was like 16 lol..but I found it by casting over and over and over lol...


08-26-2003, 08:53 PM

First, Thanks for the implicitlen(). Having it will definitely speed things up on my part. One of these days I'll have to find out how you guys are generating that.

As to the opcodes I agree on:
ZoneEntryCode 0x0224
CharProfileCode 0x0067
ZoneSpawnsCode 0x0169
NewSpawnCode 0x0201
NewZoneCode 0x00e4

I'd also add:
EmoteTextCode 0x00eb
MakeDropCode 0x00f3
SpawnUpdateCode 0x0125 // ? Maybe
DoorSpawnsCode 0x01b8

But I wouldn't consider 0x02c5 to be CPlayerItemsCode. It is more like a combination of CPlayerItemsCode, PlayerItemCode, PlayerContainerCode, and PlayerBookCode all rolled together. They've completely redone the item system in this patch and have switched from C structures to delimted text and have also changed how the data is sent down. The whole item system will need a major overhaul for this change.

As far as PlayerPosCode is concerned we may just have to use the size to determine how to deal with the packet. It wouldn't be the first time we've had to do that.

Thanks and Enjoy,
Zaphod (dohpaZ)

08-27-2003, 02:06 PM
the link above isnt opening for me how can i fix me show eq?
i am fek newbie

08-27-2003, 02:13 PM
You can't, it's not "Fixed" yet

08-27-2003, 03:26 PM
kk wasnt sure tryign to learn this stuff first patch i have had to mess with :)

08-27-2003, 05:00 PM
charProfileStruct is pissing me off. I haven't worked with C since last time I helped modify structures. Skills at /*2970*/ is starting 6 bytes (or octets, maybe that's my problem) too late. I'm guessing it's the code for the shared platinum in the bank.. but 6? All other coinage is a uint32_t, and that's only 4 if I remember/read correctly. I've tried to pad it out, add some bytes/octets here and there, touch the affected files, and nothing seems to change in the skill window. Even made clean first, and still no change. What am I doing wrong? I've done this before, when luclin came out...

08-27-2003, 05:22 PM
ChannelMessageCode 0x001f

not sure if this falls anywhere but there seems to be a complete guild listing at 0x0055

08-27-2003, 05:26 PM
That would be:
GuildListCode 0x0055

08-27-2003, 05:37 PM
I should be doing a CVS commit of a mostly working version a later tonight.

Opcodes I'm still hunting for:

I won't hold up the commit for these codes, but will hold off until I finish some more testing.

we have charProfileStruct, SpellBuff, SpawnStruct, makeDropStruct, newZoneStruct, and PlayerPosStruct all nailed.

Thanks and Enjoy,
Zaphod (dohpaZ)

08-27-2003, 05:46 PM
thanks DebianSEQ

ConsiderCode 0x155
TimeOfDayCode 0x00fa

havent verified these yet but here they are

MemSpellCode 0x00bf
cOpenSpellBookCode 0x013a

08-27-2003, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by Talorn
thanks DebianSEQ

ConsiderCode 0x155

havent verified these yet but here they are

MemSpellCode 0x00bf

cOpenSpellBookCode 0x013a

Your ConsiderCode and MemSpellCode are correct. However, I believe 0x013a is either SpawnUpdateCode or SpawnAppearanceCode.

Thanks and Enjoy,
Zaphod (dohpaZ)

08-27-2003, 06:04 PM
kk wasnt sure tryign to learn this stuff first patch i have had to mess with :)

08-27-2003, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by Zaphod
One of these days I'll have to find out how you guys are generating that.


Originally posted by DebianSEQ
charProfileStruct is pissing me off ... Even made clean first, and still no change.

Often the structures are padded alignment boundaries. Add the uint32_t and a uint8_t [2] before skills. Also you might find this code interesting (I use it to diff charprofile for changes:)

Insert in void Player::backfill(const charProfileStruct* player) and follow these notes:

char pos_data should be updated with the included shell commands.

CLEAR_CHARPROFILESTRUCT should be modified to include things you KNOW you are not interested in seeing.

Some items from my everquest.h which you may want to ignore are
/*0150*/ uint32_t birthdate; // Birthdate in epoch format
/*0154*/ uint8_t unknown0154[4]; // uint16_t[0] Incremented by seconds, uint16_t[1]? Seems to be tied to /played "current sessions" time.
/*0158*/ uint32_t playedtotal; // Number of Minutes Played
/*0590*/ char servername[64]; // length probably not right
/*2902*/ uint8_t playerpos[0]; // Player Position (4 dwords) [16]
/*2902*/ unsigned heading:12; // Uses bitfields
/*2903*/ signed deltaHeading:10;
/*2904*/ unsigned animation:10; // end of 1st
/*2906*/ signed deltaX:13;
/*2907*/ signed x:19; // end of 2nd
/*2910*/ signed y:19;
/*2912*/ signed deltaZ:13; // end of 3rd
/*2914*/ signed deltaY:13;
/*2915*/ signed z:19; // end of 4th
/*3594*/ uint32_t counter; // +=2 for every time you zone or camp/return
/*3922*/ char groupmembers[6][64];// Names of each group member

// fester fancy differ for CharProfileCode

memset(x.unknown0002, 0, 4); /* Random Number */ \
memset(x.name, 0, 64); \
memset(x.lastName, 0, 32); \
memset(&x.gender, 0, 4); \
memset(&x.level, 0, 4); \
memset(&x.deity, 0, 4); \
memset(&x.birthdate, 0, 4); \
memset(&x.playedtotal, 0, 4); \
memset(x.servername, 0, 64); \
memset(&x.points, 0, 4); \
memset(&x.curHp, 0, 4); \
memset(&x.STR, 0, 7 * 4); /* All 7 Stats */ \
memset(x.languages, 0, 28); \
memset(x.sSpellBook, 0, 400 * 4); \
memset(x.sMemSpells, 0, 8 * 4); \
memset(&x.playerpos[0], 0, 4 * 4); \
memset(&x.platinum, 0, 8 * 4); /* All Money */ \
memset(x.skills, 0, 74 * 4); \
memset(&x.counter, 0, 4); \
memset(&x.zoneId, 0, 4); \
memset(&x.buffs[0], 0, 15 * sizeof(spellBuff)); \
memset(x.groupmembers, 0, 6 * 64);

unsigned int cc, cpc, tt;
float *f;
unsigned char *o, *c;
static struct charProfileStruct old_stash = { 0 };
struct charProfileStruct curr_stash = *(player);

Made with:

printf "\tstruct char_pos {\n\t\tint\tpos;\n\t\tchar\t*name;\n"; \
(echo "} posdata[] = {"; cat everquest.h | \
perl -e '@i=<STDIN>;$d=join("",@i);$d=~s/^.*\nstruct charProfileStruct\n{\n//s;$d=~s/\n};\n.+/\n/s;print $d;' | \
grep '^\/\*[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\*\/' | sed -e 's/\[.*$//' -e 's/;.*$//' -e 's#[\/\*]*##g' | \
awk 'NF > 1 {print "{ "$1+0", #"$3"# }, "}'; echo "{ -1, ## } };") | sed -e 's/ /_/g' | xargs -s 120 | \
sed -e 's/_/ /g' -e 's/^{/\t{/' -e 's/^/\t/' -e 's/#/"/g'


struct char_pos {
int pos;
char *name;
} posdata[] = { { 0, "opCode" }, { 1, "version" }, { 2, "unknown0002" }, { 6, "name" },
{ 70, "lastName" }, { 102, "gender" }, { 106, "race" }, { 110, "class " }, { 114
, "unknown0114" },
{ 118, "level" }, { 122, "unknown0122" }, { 142, "deity" }, { 146, "unknown0146"
{ 150, "birthdate" }, { 154, "unknown0154" }, { 158, "playedtotal" }, { 162, "unk
nown0162" },
{ 590, "servername" }, { 654, "unknown0654" }, { 662, "points" }, { 666, "MANA" }
, { 670, "curHp" },
{ 674, "unknown0674" }, { 678, "STR" }, { 682, "STA" }, { 686, "CHA" }, { 690, "
DEX" }, { 694, "INT" },
{ 698, "AGI" }, { 702, "WIS" }, { 706, "unknown0706" }, { 754, "languages" }, {
782, "unknown0782" },
{ 786, "sSpellBook" }, { 2386, "unknown2386" }, { 2834, "sMemSpells" }, { 2866, "
unknown2866" },
{ 2902, "heading:12" }, { 2903, "deltaHeading:10" }, { 2904, "animation:10" }, {
2906, "deltaX:13" },
{ 2907, "x:19" }, { 2910, "y:19" }, { 2912, "deltaZ:13" }, { 2914, "deltaY:13" },
{ 2915, "z:19" },
{ 2918, "unknown2918" }, { 2922, "platinum" }, { 2926, "gold" }, { 2930, "silver"
}, { 2934, "copper" },
{ 2938, "platinumBank" }, { 2942, "goldBank" }, { 2946, "silverBank" }, { 2950, "
copperBank" },
{ 2954, "unknown2954" }, { 2970, "skills" }, { 3266, "unknown3266" }, { 3594, "co
unter" },
{ 3598, "unknown3598" }, { 3678, "zoneId" }, { 3682, "buffs" }, { 3922, "groupmem
bers" },
{ 4306, "unknown4306" }, { -1, "" } };

// fprintf(stderr, "copied info into curr_stash, opcode = %d\n", curr_stash.opCode);

if (old_stash.opCode == 0) {
old_stash = *(player);
// fprintf(stderr, "copied info into old_stash, opcode = %d\n", old_stash.opCode);

tt = player->birthdate;
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown0002 %08lx, gender %d (0=m;1=f) Race %d Class %d\n"
"Unknown0114 %08lx, Unknown0122 %08lx%08lx%08lx%08lx%08lx\n"
"Deity %ld, Unknown0146 %08lx(%%f %f) Birthdate %s\n"
"Unknown0154 %04x%04x Played %d days, %d hours, %d mins\n"
"Server %s, Unknown0654 %08lx, Unknown0658 %08lx(%%f %f)\n"
"Points %ld, MANA %ld, HP %ld, Unknown0674 %08lx\n"
"STR %ld STA %ld CHA %ld DEX %ld INT %ld AGI %ld WIS %ld\n"
"Unknown0782 %08lx Heading %d(%d), ani %d, x %d(%d), y %d(%d), z %d(%d)\n"
"Unknown2918 %08lx, Counter %ld, ZoneId %d, Unknown4306 %08lx\n"
, *( (unsigned long *) &player->unknown0002[0] )
, (unsigned) player->gender
, (unsigned) player->race
, (unsigned) player->class_
, (unsigned long) player->unknown0114
, *( (unsigned long *) &player->unknown0122[0] )
, *( (unsigned long *) &player->unknown0122[4] )
, *( (unsigned long *) &player->unknown0122[8] )
, *( (unsigned long *) &player->unknown0122[12] )
, *( (unsigned long *) &player->unknown0122[16] )
, (unsigned long) player->deity
, *( (unsigned long *) &player->unknown0146[0] )
, *( (float *) &player->unknown0146[0] )
, ctime((time_t*)&tt)
, *( (unsigned short *) &player->unknown0154[0] )
, *( (unsigned short *) &player->unknown0154[2] )
, player->playedtotal/60/24, ((player->playedtotal/60) % (60*24) )/60, player->playedtotal %
, player->servername
, *( (unsigned long *) &player->unknown0654[0] )
, (unsigned long) player->altexp * 65536 + (unsigned long) player->exp
, *( (float *) &player->exp)
, (unsigned long) player->points
, (unsigned long) player->MANA
, (unsigned long) player->curHp
, (unsigned long) player->unknown0674
, (unsigned long) player->STR
, (unsigned long) player->STA
, (unsigned long) player->CHA
, (unsigned long) player->DEX
, (unsigned long) player->INT
, (unsigned long) player->AGI
, (unsigned long) player->WIS
, *( (unsigned long *) &player->unknown0782[0] )
, player->heading, player->deltaHeading, player->animation, player->x, player->deltaX, playe
r->y, player->deltaY
, player->z, player->deltaZ
, *( (unsigned long *) &player->unknown2918[0] )
, (unsigned long) player->counter
, (unsigned int) player->zoneId
, *( (unsigned long *) &player->unknown4306[0] )

f = (float *) &player->unknown0122[0];
fprintf(stderr, "floats of Unknown0122: ");
for (cc=0; cc<20/4; cc++) {
fprintf(stderr, "%.4g, ", f[cc]);
f = (float *) &player->unknown0162[0];
fprintf(stderr, "\nfloats of Unknown0162: ");
for (cc=0; cc<428/4; cc++) {
fprintf(stderr, "%.4g, ", f[cc]);
f = (float *) &player->unknown0706[0];
fprintf(stderr, "\nfloats of Unknown0706: ");
for (cc=0; cc<48/4; cc++) {
fprintf(stderr, "%.4g, ", f[cc]);
f = (float *) &player->unknown2386[0];
fprintf(stderr, "\nfloats of Unknown2386: ");
for (cc=0; cc<448/4; cc++) {
fprintf(stderr, "%.4g, ", f[cc]);
f = (float *) &player->unknown2866[0];
fprintf(stderr, "\nfloats of Unknown2866: ");
for (cc=0; cc<36/4; cc++) {
fprintf(stderr, "%.4g, ", f[cc]);
f = (float *) &player->unknown2954[0];
fprintf(stderr, "\nfloats of Unknown2954: ");
for (cc=0; cc<16/4; cc++) {
fprintf(stderr, "%.4g, ", f[cc]);
f = (float *) &player->unknown3266[0];
fprintf(stderr, "\nfloats of Unknown3266: ");
for (cc=0; cc<328/4; cc++) {
fprintf(stderr, "%.4g, ", f[cc]);
f = (float *) &player->unknown3598[0];
fprintf(stderr, "\nfloats of Unknown3598: ");
for (cc=0; cc<80/4; cc++) {
fprintf(stderr, "%.4g, ", f[cc]);
fprintf(stderr, "\nUnknown0162:\n");
for(cc=0; cc<428; cc+=4) {
fprintf(stderr, "%08lx ", *( (unsigned long *) &player->unknown0162[cc] ) );
if (cc && ((cc % 52) == 0))
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\nUnknown0706:\n");
for(cc=0; cc<48; cc+=4) {
fprintf(stderr, "%08lx", *( (unsigned long *) &player->unknown0706[cc] ) );
if (cc && ((cc % 32) == 0))
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
// fprintf(stderr, "\nLanguages:\n");
// for(cc=0; cc<28; cc++) {
// fprintf(stderr, "%d ", player->languages[cc]);
// if (cc && ((cc % 17) == 0))
// fprintf(stderr, "\n");
// }
// fprintf(stderr, "\nUnknown2386:\n");
// for(cc=0; cc<448; cc+=4) {
// fprintf(stderr, "%08lx", *( (unsigned long *) &player->unknown2386[cc] ) );
// if (cc && ((cc % 32) == 0))
// fprintf(stderr, "\n");
// }
fprintf(stderr, "\nUnknown2866:\n");
for(cc=0; cc<36; cc+=4) {
fprintf(stderr, "%08lx", *( (unsigned long *) &player->unknown2866[cc] ) );
fprintf(stderr, "\nUnknown2954:\n");
for(cc=0; cc<16; cc+=4) {
fprintf(stderr, "%08lx", *( (unsigned long *) &player->unknown2954[cc] ) );
// fprintf(stderr, "\nSpellBook:\n");
// for(cc=0; cc<400; cc++) {
// if (player->sSpellBook[cc] && player->sSpellBook[cc] != -1) {
// fprintf(stderr, "%s, ", spell_name(player->sSpellBook[cc]).ascii());
// if (cc && ((cc % 3) == 0))
// fprintf(stderr, "\n");
// }
// }
// fprintf(stderr, "\nSpell Mem:\n");
// for(cc=0; cc<8; cc++) {
// fprintf(stderr, "%s, ", spell_name(player->sMemSpells[cc]).ascii());
// if (cc && ((cc % 3) == 0))
// fprintf(stderr, "\n");
// }
fprintf(stderr, "\nUnknown3266:\n");
for(cc=0; cc<328; cc+=4) {
fprintf(stderr, "%08lx", *( (unsigned long *) &player->unknown3266[cc] ) );
if (cc && ((cc % 52) == 0))
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\nUnknown3598:\n");
for(cc=0; cc<80; cc+=4) {
fprintf(stderr, "%08lx", *( (unsigned long *) &player->unknown3598[cc] ) );
if (cc && ((cc % 52) == 0))
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\nSpell Buff:\n");
for(cc=0; cc<15; cc++) {
if (player->buffs[cc].spell != -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: #%d, L:%d, D:%d, U:%02x-%04x-%08lx\n",
spell_name(player->buffs[cc].spell).ascii(), cc, player->buffs[cc].l
player->buffs[cc].duration, (unsigned) player->buffs[cc].unknown0000
(unsigned) player->buffs[cc].unknown0002[0] +
(unsigned) player->buffs[cc].unknown0002[1] * 256,
(unsigned long) player->buffs[cc].unknown0012);
fprintf(stderr, "\nGroup:\n");
for(cc=0; cc<6; cc++) {
if (player->groupmembers[cc][0])
fprintf(stderr, "%d:%s\n", cc, player->groupmembers[cc]);


if (strncmp(&old_stash.name[0], &curr_stash.name[0], 64)) { // Changed Characters
fprintf(stderr, "Switching Characters from %s to %s\n", old_stash.name, curr_stash.n
old_stash = curr_stash;

fprintf(stderr, "Differences:\n");
o = (unsigned char *) &old_stash;
c = (unsigned char *) &curr_stash;
for(cc=0; cc<sizeof(curr_stash);cc++) {
if (*c != *o) {
char *found_pos = "not found";
int begin_pos = 0;

for (cpc=1; posdata[cpc].pos != -1; cpc++) {
if ((unsigned) posdata[cpc].pos > cc && (unsigned) posdata[cpc-1].po
s <= cc) {
found_pos = posdata[cpc-1].name;
begin_pos = posdata[cpc-1].pos;
fprintf(stderr, "0x%03x: %02x -> %02x (%s[%d])\n", cc, *o, *c, found_pos, cc
- begin_pos);
c++; o++;

old_stash = curr_stash;

Generic Differ:

// fester diff the memory
unsigned int cc, cclen;
char *o, *c;
static char old_stash[16384] = { 0 };
char curr_stash[16384] = { 0 };

cclen = len;
if (cclen > 16384)
cclen = 16384;
memcpy(curr_stash, (char *) data, cclen);

fprintf(stderr, "copied into curr_stash, opcode = %d\n", *(short *) &curr

if (!old_stash[0] && !old_stash[1]) {
memcpy(old_stash, (char *) data, cclen);
fprintf(stderr, "copied into old_stash, opcode = %d\n", *(short *) &curr_stash[0]);

fprintf(stderr, "Generic Differences (Op %d):\n", *(short *) &curr_stash[0]);
o = (char *) &old_stash[0];
c = (char *) &curr_stash[0];
for (cc=0; cc<cclen;cc++) {
if (*c != *o) {
fprintf(stderr, "0x%03x: %02x -> %02x\n", cc, *(unsigned char *)o, *(unsigned char *)c);
c++; o++;

memcpy(old_stash, curr_stash, cclen);

Also the Make clean issue is very likely due to showeq not redoing the moc'd files. Add this:

diff -c -r ./src/Makefile.am /root/showeq/src/Makefile.am
*** ./src/Makefile.am Thu Aug 21 00:51:29 2003
--- /root/showeq/src/Makefile.am Sun May 18 13:14:10 2003
*** 55,61 ****


! m_%.cpp: %.h %.cpp
$(MOC) -nw $< -o $@

if CGI
--- 55,61 ----


! m_%.cpp: %.h
$(MOC) -nw $< -o $@

if CGI
diff -c -r ./configure.in /root/showeq/configure.in
*** ./configure.in Tue Aug 19 17:47:26 2003
--- /root/showeq/configure.in Tue May 20 02:32:16 2003
*** 515,523 ****

- cp -f src/Makefile src/Makefile.bak
- echo "#DO NOT DELETE - Make depend" >> src/Makefile
- (cd src; ${CXX} -MM *.c *.cpp 2>/dev/null >> Makefile)
echo "Success!"
case $target_os in
--- 515,520 ----

Then run this command:
make distclean
rm Makefile.dist.dbg Makefile.in conf/Makefile.in config.guess config.sub configure ltmain.sh maps/Makefile.in src/Makefile.in stamp-h.in aclocal.m4 src/Makefile.bak

You now have a "factory" clean (fresh CVS) version.

i]Originally posted by Enduron
stumbled upon this one...

BeginCastCode is 0x0017...old was like 16 lol..but I found it by casting over and over and over lol...

0x0017 was BeginCastCode for ShowEQ prior to the patch; It evidently did not change if you see it as 0x0017 after the patch. StartCastCode was 0x00c5 and CastOnCode was 0x0110. One thing of note. StartCastCode contained the target id your character had targeted, so spells that are group buffs (that are not targeted group buffs), pet buffs and personal only buffs may look confusing to ShowEQ.

08-27-2003, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Zaphod
Your ConsiderCode and MemSpellCode are correct. However, I believe 0x013a is either SpawnUpdateCode or SpawnAppearanceCode.

Thanks and Enjoy,
Zaphod (dohpaZ)

It appears to me that there is some internal confusion (in code) with SpawnAppearanceCode and SpawnUpdateCode. SpawnAppearanceCode was used as SpawnUpdateCode in some sections of ShowEQ code (at some point.)

SpawnAppearanceCode (at least prior to the patch) was used only for changed clothing (with the last byte containing the item slot enum) and SpawnUpdateCode covering sit/stand, invis, hp updates, playerid update, etc.

I have patches to correct this, but they were for prior to the recent patch.

Also I have a number of patches including correcting for libeq.h/libEQ.h issues, remove broken_decode (to help prevent people from posting that it is disabled), and dispatchSplitData() recieved fragment component is broken when PACKET_PROCESS_FRAG_DIAG enabled.

I can post if you wish.

08-27-2003, 08:13 PM
fester, I'll be glad to take your changes, but they won't make it into tonights CVS commit (which is currently in process). Take a look at tonights CVS commit and see which changes you think might be relevant. Once I receive your changes they may make it into tommorrows or next weeks CVS commit... ;-)

Thanks and Enjoy,
Zaphod (dohpaZ)

P.S. I prefer diffs to be in the unified format 'diff -u'. Thanks.

08-27-2003, 09:10 PM
Zaphod, welcome back, and thanks to you and the rest for such a quick response to this patch.

08-27-2003, 09:57 PM
Just curious, how long will it take for the new CVS tree to update with Zaphod's fix?


08-27-2003, 11:38 PM
Thanks Fester, that sheds a bit of light on my problems. I've slept maybe 25 hours in the last week, my biggest problem I'm sure =)

08-28-2003, 12:05 AM
Just curious, how long will it take for the new CVS tree to update with Zaphod's fix?

If you can actually get into CVS, you should have access to the new files as soon as they're committed.

08-28-2003, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by junk
If you can actually get into CVS, you should have access to the new files as soon as they're committed.

In theory anyway, please see the SourceForge.net Short Status on CVS (http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=17790&group_id=1#cvs). Here's the relevant details for your convenience (all bolding is theirs):

Performance of project CVS services has been lacking in recent months. To combat this issue, we are in the process of replacing the current CVS infrastructure; this is expected to be completed in an August time frame.

In the mean time pserver and ViewCVS repository access is being served from the backup CVS server, which is 24 hours behind the primary CVS server.

Zaphod (dohpaZ)

08-28-2003, 05:57 AM
Ive just got in to cvs and done a update and the version is still 4.3.8

08-28-2003, 06:24 AM
The new version 4.3.9 is NOT in cvs per se.

you have to download the tarball.

read the front page - Zaphod diligently posted pertinent information. Dont ya just hate people that buy a new book and skip to the back pages to see what happens :p


Welcome Back Zaphod!

08-28-2003, 06:45 AM
I was just confirming what was said by Zaphod, I assume that it will be up to date tommorow when cvs gets backed up. Sorry to cause any confusion :confused:

08-28-2003, 11:35 AM
I knew that the ViewCVS has been running off the backup CVS server forever now, but I didn't realize (I missed the memo, so to speak) that they were also running the pserver off of the backup server too.

x b
08-28-2003, 07:35 PM
ActionCode 0x00db

Working combat window again...


08-28-2003, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by x b
ActionCode 0x00db

Working combat window again...


Thanks, it will be included in my next CVS commit, whenever that is... ;-)

Zaphod (dohpaZ)

08-28-2003, 08:28 PM
Yo, thanks for the hard work Z.