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View Full Version : Con Colors for 61+

08-29-2003, 12:54 PM
I have been using search (Only found fix for MSEQ) and paging through src files and have not found this either.

So here I am...

does anyone know what file this should be in? I figured mapp.cpp being it does the map draws, but still did not find it.

I am not looking for someone to fix this or hold my hand or anything, just a few pointers so I can try and fix this on my own and post a .diff.

Thanks in Advance.


08-29-2003, 01:14 PM
Looks like player.cpp, I have to leave for a reception but I going to change it for 65 and test, then if this works I will make changes for 61-64 and post a .diff tonight or early in morning tomorrow.

08-29-2003, 01:25 PM
I changed this....

else if (level() < 61)
{ // 57 - 60
greenRange = -21;
cyanRange = -16;
else if (level() == 61) //61+
greenRange = -19;
cyanRange = -14;
else if (level() == 62)
greenRange = -18;
cyanRange = -13;
else if (level() == 63)
greenRange = -17;
cyanRange = -12;
else if (level() < 66) //64 - 65
greenRange = -16;
cyanRange = -11;

To this...
else if (level() < 61)
{ // 57 - 60
greenRange = -20;
cyanRange = -15;
else if (level() == 61) //61+
greenRange = -20;
cyanRange = -15;
else if (level() == 62)
greenRange = -20;
cyanRange = -15;
else if (level() == 63)
greenRange = -20;
cyanRange = -15;
else if (level() < 66) //64 - 65
greenRange = -20;
cyanRange = -15;

But in reality after I already started compile I think this whole area can be replaced with

else if (level() < 66) //61 - 65
greenRange = -20;
cyanRange = -15;


Leaving for a wedding now but will test this tonight and post how it went..... ..if I not too drunk.

08-29-2003, 02:08 PM
hmm... the fix for this is two posts below your's in this thread (http://seq.sourceforge.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3923):
Here's the diff I've created with the above stated by Elyon;

- Lvl 61+ is now exactly the same as lvl 60 was.
- Fixed the said typo in mapcore.cpp.

Untested, but should work (they compile at least )

*edit: PS, It's subitted to CVS

Attachment: map_level.diff (http://seq.sourceforge.net/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=28978)
This has been downloaded 3 time(s).

Last edited by guice on 08-29-2003 at 11:02 AM

08-30-2003, 09:46 AM
I saw that when I got home. Ohh well at least I figured it out. I liek to do things on my own now and then, I was just hoping that I would do it before someone else.

Maybe next time.


PS: Id anyone is trying this by hand I made a mistake it should be...

else if (level() < 66) //61 - 65
greenRange = -21;
cyanRange = -16;

08-31-2003, 02:32 PM
I installed that tar-ball .9, then the patch to .10.

The colors for cons don't seem to be working for me anymore.

I'm L58

Everything L58 and below appear green.

L59s are even

L60s and 61s are yellow

L62s are red.

the even color is wrong -- but the yellows and red are correct if I was a 59.

and I'm seeing no blues or navies.

Can someone who has this working post the code from player.cpp? Thanks

08-31-2003, 10:08 PM
I am getting the same thing with the latest tarball. I am going to try the 4.3.9 with just this change.

else if (level() < 66) //61 - 65
greenRange = -21;
cyanRange = -16;

08-31-2003, 10:49 PM
That works for me. I am going to keep with 4.3.9 with this little hack in player.cpp and wait for 4.3.11 or later.

Tested PoP Zones with a 65 and 58 char and mobs showed up as proper con.

I would post a diff of this but being this part is already in CVS I am not going to bother.


08-31-2003, 11:19 PM
Some updates -- my L1 gimp shows good numbers, as does my L17 lowbie.

I dinged 59, and I see the same thing:

58 and below shows green

60 shows even

61 and 62 shows yellow

Looks like something wrong with the 57-60 range in the if statements.

08-31-2003, 11:48 PM
.10 is working fine for me, but none of my toons are below Lvl 60.

I'll try to check it with one of my son's toons and see if all is ok with his on conning.

09-01-2003, 12:18 AM
I got the solution...

I changed the code in player.cpp to now look like:

else if(level() < 57)
{ // 55-56
greenRange = -20;
cyanRange = -15;
else if (level() < 66)
{ // 57 - 65
greenRange = -21;
cyanRange = -16;

and it works

Everything else except for my change is .9 tar-ball patched with .10.

09-01-2003, 08:33 AM
The code above will not work. That is why a level 59 is conning even to a level 60.

I have tried to get into cvs to post my diff, but cannot, so I will post my changes to player.cpp file here. I reinserted lvl's 57 -60 , 61, 62, 63 and 64-65.

Hope this helps you.

else if (level() < 57)
{ // 55 - 56
greenRange = -20;
cyanRange = -15;
else if (level() < 61)
{ //57 - 60
greenRange = -26;
cyanRange = -21;
else if (level() == 61) // 61
greenRange = -24;
cyanRange = -19;
else if (level() == 62)
greenRange = -23;
cyanRange = -18;
else if (level() == 63)
greenRange = -22;
cyanRange = -17;
else if (level() < 66) //64 - 65
greenRange = -21;
cyanRange = -16;

uint8_t spawnLevel = 1;

09-01-2003, 08:43 AM
The code above will not work
Where you referring to the code that I posted late last night, one post above yours?

If so, yes, my code is working properly for cons in the high 50s. It is working for me just fine now. It was failing when it was doing something like :

level < 57

level > 60

(this was actually not setting any values at all for green and cyan when 58, 59, and 60).

I will look at your numbers when I'm 61 and up to verify them, but for now, my copy is working, so I'm leaving it the way it is ;)

09-01-2003, 09:01 AM
What level is your toon uRit1u2CBBA= ?

I tested my code on levels 59, 60, 63 and 65. All con's are correct. If your's are too, then Great! I just didn't think that the same calcualtions would work for levels 65 down to 57, as you have in yours. :D

09-01-2003, 10:36 AM
I just hit 59 last night.

(someone said that the diffs in colors were all the same as 60, so I coded it that way).

initially, my 58 and 59 cons were not correct -- now they are.

I'll continue to check them as I level to verify. I'll keep this thread on my favorites as a reference to your code.

09-01-2003, 08:20 PM
One thing to keep in mind is that the level up OP-Code may not be inplace, so when you level you MAY need to zone to update your level info, so that con colours are correct for your new level.

That being said, and my lack of a 65 to test with (61 highest atm), I'd have to agree with uRit1u2CBBA='s code change, making the last check < 66.

It was my understanding from Sony's patch message that when they changed the con range, it was to keep the same range (i.e. greenRange & cyanRange in our code) that a 60 has through 65. So at 65 a 44 should be green while a 45 cyan (light blue).

09-02-2003, 09:58 AM
Yeah, my bad. I think I'll keep out of making patches now. :p

Change the > 59 to < 66 and it will work. I totally blanked on that one, hoping to accomodate for any additional (possible) levels. However, the change I did completely skipped lvl 57, 58 and 59.

09-02-2003, 02:33 PM
If anyone wants it, here is my diff file used by leaving the code as it was originally, but with the con numbers changed to reflect correct cons for all levels.

This has also JUST been submitted to cvs. (09-02-03 4:43 EST)