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View Full Version : anybody have LDoN Maps for seq?

09-09-2003, 11:54 PM
Anybody have seq maps from LDoN? I kinda want emm. :) SO i know where i am going lol. Post it up if ya know where i can get emm. Tried the Converter, but the link seems broken.

09-10-2003, 01:49 PM
Since the CVS is kinda "weirdo" atm.. can someone host a spot with a "complete .MAP" file with all the updated maps? And perhaps the LDoN maps as a separate download if someone gets to convert them?

I got the .TXT files from eqtoolbox, but i dont know about the _1.txt, _2.txt and so on extensions work..
Ie.. do i merge the "Mira_1.txt with the Mira_3.txt" and so on?

Sorry to be TEH n00b here.. heh


09-10-2003, 01:56 PM
I think the _1 _3 are the "layers"different versions of the same map if you will.

When you convert them to .MAP just remove the _# off one of the maps and you should be good...I think. :)

I converted the LDoN maps today and havent tested em yet. I will tonight and report back if its accurate.

09-12-2003, 01:07 PM
If you get them working.. mind finding a host and post them for download?

09-12-2003, 01:26 PM
When you load maps int he game, there is the base layer, layer 1 , layer 2, and layer 3.

For the maps I create and have used up til this point i tried to put allt he actual mapping on layer 1. I use another layer for the gridlines and and another layer for labels. merging all 3 and converting them to map format is the process you would use.

obviously all map makers dont use the same standard,w hich is unfortunate. They dont have to use my guidelines, he'll , id switch to anyones, as long as it was standardized.

So if you have maps that ar _1 or _2 or _3, it doesnt matte.r They show int he game. You can experiment in game by turning off base or any of the other layers to see whats actually on the different layers.

The maps.eq-toolbox site is undergoing a considerable overhaul. The new new site automatically converts maps to both formats. Mapfiend has done an incredible amount of work on this and hopefull we will have it up soon. i think you will like it.