View Full Version : so what is the correct syntax to apply you patch Zaphod please ?

09-10-2003, 07:18 AM
Hi Zaphod and all.

I know..i did a search..I do also vaguely recall seeing it before... but I cant find it again

I would like to apply Zaphods update to my 4.3.11 install...not that I cant do a complete rebuild and compile of the 4.3.12 but I would learn more about applying a patch if I asked for help and tried something new :=)

so what is the correct syntax to apply you patch Zaphod please ?


09-10-2003, 07:26 AM
i found the answer anyways...

Im at work atm. so i cant test it ...

put the file in the showeq/src ( the directory I compile and make from) directory and do the following:

cd /root/showeq/src
patch <showeq-4.3.11_to_4.3.12

now the questions is.....is this all ? or will i have to recompile all again ?

09-10-2003, 08:42 AM
Chaning the source code magically alters the executable - no need to re-compile /sarcasm off

Of course you will have to re-compile.