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12-19-2001, 10:35 PM
I CVS'ed the linux module of ShowEQ, and when compiled and complete I get...

ShowEQ 3.1.2, released under the GPL.
Using config file '/usr/local/share/showeq/showeq.conf'
Disabling decoder due to showeq.conf preferences
Decoder has been manually disabled by either -b, the BrokenDecode option,
or a missing libEQ.a library.

this does not look like v4 to me...

what's the deal?

12-19-2001, 10:39 PM
The module name changed to showeq, so its 'showeq' instead of 'linux' when you do the cvs checkout.

12-19-2001, 10:44 PM
Thanks... got it now.. didn't see the name had changed.. thanks again... *cracks knuckles* begin compiling..

12-20-2001, 09:29 AM
Let me just say this gcc3 and qt2.3.2 with threading is the meanest nastiest funkiest thing..

Hopefully it will weed out the n00bs tho and the whiners..

12-20-2001, 10:18 AM
would it be better to dump RH 7.0 in favor of 7.1 or 7.2? assuming one of those may already have some of the requirements that 7.0 doesn;t reading the discussions so far i would still need to do the QT 2.3.2 compilation under gcc3.0.. doesn;t seem like to big a deal. but i guess i will find out when this download ever finishes...


12-20-2001, 10:26 AM
Well, 8 hours later I have it working flawlessly. Kudos to you ratt and crew.

One thing I learn.. RTFM... Err, maybe not.

What happened to me.. For your reading enjoyment... It's worth a good laugh.

- CVS Checkout... module linux.
- Compile.
- UMMM, RATT SHOWEQ DOESN"T WORK... err, no. the module isn't linux anymore
- CVS Checkout - module showeq
- Untar - You have run out of diskspace!
- Clean up files and untar to a different filesystem
- SEQ - ./configure - Err, you need gcc v3... 2.96 wont cut it. RTFM idiot.
- Try to find GCC on gnu's website. very tedious process.
- Compile GCC.
- GO Take a nap.
- Still compiling.
- Go eat dinner
- Still compiling.
- Watch west wing.
- SEQ - ./configure - Err, you need qt v2.3.2!
- Go to troll.no, download qt3.
- QT - ./configure - Err fix your paths, get rid of old qt
- QT - ./configure again
- Compile QT
- Take another nap...
- Play some EQ.
- Kill 2 Epic mobs
- Still Compiling
- Die. Lose level. ( umm, cleric.. why are you healing a tank when it's on a caster? umm, cleric.. why are you healing me for 457 when it is triple hitting me for 205? 205 x 3 > 457 = dead caster even with 2600hp) [edit]
- Go kill freeport guards to reding
- Reding
- Attack uber buffed guard in NRo. 8k damage later and running for my life.
- SEQ - ./configure - Err you need qt version 2.3.2
- Look on net for 2.3.2, see v3.0.1, see v2.3.0 - where is v2.3.2??? Ok, play with links to actually browse the ftp site instead of following link to wrong version
- Download and compile QT... another hour or so wasted.
- SEQ - ./configre WOOT it works
- SEQ make - TONS Of errors...... Not enough scroll back buffer
- SEQ make - make | tee errors !!!! umm, compile errors are sent to stderr? LOL, it's too late at night to remember that
- SEQ make - make 2>&1 | tee errors .. ok.. why am i still referencing qt v3?
- Remove QT v3.
- SEQ make - same errors. WTF?
- SEQ ./configure
- SEQ make - eureka!
- Waiting...
- Still compiling...
- Ratt, have you been taking lessons from verant on compiling times?!? Can you shave 10 seconds off each programs compile time too?
- Done! WOOT... Shit, no, that's a compile error there... What does that say? Undefined symbol?!?!?
- Troll the message boards... > You must get the new libEQ.a. hmm. I thought I did...
- Troll the message boards... > ahh, the site i downloaded from hadn't updated.
- Finally get the right libEQ.a (WHY can't we use a shared object instead??)
- SEQ - Make ... FINALLY it works
- showeq - segfault .. here we go...
- ok.. my old showeq.conf won't work.. move the new showeq.conf.dist to be mine...
- showeq - WOW a working Showeq
- Entering norath..
- wait
- wait
- Woot! those are spawns I see.. hehe
- Why is my packet loss meter colored red?
- is verant doing christmas colors..???
- DOH, Black screen of Death.

well, at least it is working now. I am glad it's "not a cakewalk". There are too many people using it as it is.. It's funny.. I can sorta tell alot of the players that are using it with it!

12-20-2001, 10:50 AM
/laugh tristanbfg

Good reading. I am not looking forward to doing this fix.
I have a version of 3.1.2 from the "Latest" CVS of 3.1.2 so I am not going to worry about this till after the 1st of the year. I already compiled all my links to download the packages I need (From Work) but I most likely going into hospital so I need to get as much EQ time in this weekend as possible (Need a buffer into 52).

Thanks Ratt for all the good work, I just wish I could check out the new version sooner, but I love the fact that all the Newbs (as I used to be when I started) will be gone.

Also I would like to Thank Ratt for Force feeding me into Linux, I love the OS but never had time to learn it I know it kind a well now being I have been using SEQ since the early days, well not as early as some of you but since way before Sourceforge.

/bow Ratt