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View Full Version : PoEarth/Air?

09-18-2003, 01:54 PM
First of let me say if I have posted this in the wrong section I apologize in advance.

Second I wanna say, I've only recently started using the program but so far I think its fantastic. Well done by all who contributed to its making.

Now to my point. In EQ, I'm in a fairly larger raiding guild and our main focus at this point in time is the Elemental Planes. The hardest part of making a good go at earth and Air is knowing what triggered events are up.

My question is, if anyone knows, what mobs names do I need to look for to know whether the respective ring events are up or if we'll just get a PH at the end.

PoEarth: Vine ring, Earth elem ring, Muddite ring, and stone ring.

PoAir: Avvy of Mist, Dust, Wind, Smoke.

thanks again in advance for any help or hints/pointers.

09-18-2003, 02:28 PM
Unfortunately there is no way to know. They are all on 3 day timers, but there is no destinct trigger that lets you know if the event is up. Indeed it is lame, but all you can do is kill the mobs and hope the named pops and not a PH. Best thing to do is talk to the other elemental guilds on your server and prey that they work with you and let ya know when they killed said event. Gluck

09-18-2003, 08:34 PM
Blasphemy, theres indeed a way to tell what avatars are up in PoAir, take a good look at some low-level invis mobs in zone. :P As for PoEarth, it -used- to be the same way, but now theres no way to tell.

10-09-2003, 08:47 PM
I see what you're getting at Chris.. could you PM me with the specific as to which ties to which?



10-29-2003, 09:27 PM
I also raid these planes, and I think I might see what you're getting at... we're in Air at the moment, and the Phoenix ring was down. We're skipping ahead to the Spiders cuz we know it's up.

I see "first isle guy", "phoenix guy", "stormrider guy" and 2 "sub trap count" invis things.

So does the LACK of these "guys" mean the ring is up? Since there's no "spider guy"?

Edit: The 2 "sub trap count" guys are on the Stormrider island, along with a "storm ent" so I figure they're related to that island in some way. Possibly the counts spawn the previous triggered things (the 5 red mobs, etc)?

10-29-2003, 10:14 PM
Got air figured out, if you watch it during a raid on avatars, you'll figure it out too. Not too tough.


11-01-2003, 08:08 PM
Why does everyone have to be so cryptic and "I figured it out... but I'm not gonna tell you"

I don't have time to stare at SEQ while raiding to see what changes as we trigger the rings, and would appreciate if anyone could tell me how to tell without actually attempting the rings.

It's not like anyone's gonna ban you for it. Hell, we already know you use SEQ :p

11-02-2003, 01:19 AM

vegerog guy00
muddite guy00
elem guy00
arbitor guy00
stone guy00

11-02-2003, 04:56 PM
please post the air things to look for!

11-03-2003, 08:31 AM
stormraider guy
elemental guy
phoenix guy
spider guy

11-03-2003, 01:19 PM
you own sir, thank you!

11-04-2003, 07:09 PM
Thanks for the verification :) I figured they were involved, but wasn't 100% sure. The extra stormrider isle invis things threw me off somewhat.

11-05-2003, 06:11 AM
Todays patch is making so ppl without SEQ can se if the Avatar's in plane of air is up or not. Doesnt seem like they did the same in earth =(

11-05-2003, 11:22 AM
The 4th ring in PoAir trigger mob to look out for was Spider Man, not Spider Guy - seems SoE still has a sense of humour..

Heck, anyone who can come up with the Sigismond encounter must be laughing everytime one of those bastard spiders wipes a raid :)

11-09-2003, 03:48 PM
Kinda a moot point now, cuz of the apparitions, but hey :P

Apparitions are up when the ring is up, which, right now, is approximately 3 hours after they were killed. Sony flubbed up nicely on that one. To our advantage :D

Elemental molds for all!