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View Full Version : Problem with focus!

10-11-2003, 07:04 PM
I play up to 3 different chars, usually in different zones.

keeping focus is not a problem, but that I have to close every EQW, apart from that one that I want focus on, is a pain..

is there no way to focus on something specific... like char name, or zone, or next client that zones (like in SEQ I think)?

erm, thanks alot in advance!

Edit: SEQ, not eqw

10-11-2003, 11:28 PM
Once Seq is watching the session you want, click the "session tracking" option in the Network menu. That should lock onto that instance and stay there. Next time, just make sure the session you want watched loads/zones first after starting Seq and it should stay focused on that session.

Edit: Wording was a bit awkward...so tired.

10-12-2003, 06:38 AM
I wasnt talking about SEQ unfortunately, MySEQ doesnt have session tracking, but it also doesnt seem to loose focus.. it stays on one.. I'm not sure yet which one it is, its not (always) the first one loaded.. and it doesnt seem to change with zoning.. and well, sometimes I decide later to use MySEQ, and then I cant zone to focus on one, like in SEQ.. so, any ideas?

10-12-2003, 11:43 AM
EDIT: I'm a retard because I thought I was still in the normal SEQ forums when I added the berating comment that is now gone.

The MySEQ server uses the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot API call and couple releated calls to enumerate the process list on the system. While I'm not positive, it's probably enumerated in order of the process IDs on the system. The server just looks at the process name and attaches to the first instance of eqgame.exe or testeqgame.exe it finds. That would be the reason it always gets the same session.