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View Full Version : alerts not loading

11-07-2003, 01:39 PM
ok I added an alert in the # format as shown but it does not work and every time I try to add/edit my alerts it opens a blank notepad stating can not find specified path...then what do we save the blank notepad as after we add the alert format?

This particular version I see is helpful if you have a second computer I think I may switch back to an older one since I keep running off the screen and the center on player button does not seem to work for me at all..except when I hit it to put the check in front of it ..then it centers but when i move again it is no longer centered on player

11-07-2003, 02:20 PM
Can you post your Alert file.

Make sure you have set the path in the Options area and point the to the filters directory for example.


This would tell 1.15.4 to look in the C:\MySEQ\Filters directory for the alert files.

The format of the file would look like:

orc pawn

The #'s are comment lines so don't put a # in front of the Spawn name like #orc pawn.

As for the Center on Player sounds like you set it then you are manually setting the Offsets or something.

Turn off Center and that will reset the Offsets to 0 (ZNeg/ZPos should be 75) then hit F5 to turn on Center on Player. The Offsets will change to whatever it needs to be. At this time don't change the Offsets, the program will change them as needed.

Alot of folks are using the 1.14.x and 1.15.x with no problems with the Center on Player options. If you still are having problems please document each step you are doing so we can try to reproduce it. If you want delete the prefs.xml file and that will reset all the options.

11-07-2003, 02:50 PM
It might be the fille name I think... It changed from filter_zone.conf to zone.txt


11-07-2003, 03:42 PM
If you redowload 1.15.4 now the .txt and .conf will work. I added the .conf file names back into the project.

11-18-2003, 01:46 PM
My zone alerts txt file looks like this.

Scout Sihmoj
Scout Sihmoj

and I have tested it by putting in a alt character I have into the file and logging him in as a 2nd character and it didnt alert me that that character poped. I tryed closing the program down re-running it but no luck.

11-18-2003, 02:08 PM
I see your a BST going for your Epic ;).

I found the bug and I will release a new Client version tomorrow.

In the meantime hit F6 once you have zoned in.

11-18-2003, 03:42 PM
Yup. Two hits away from it. BST epic is so easy I almost feel guilty.... ALMOST =) I have been able to solo it all and the only one I will need help with is the very last hit. Well as in solo I had a pocket cleric.

11-18-2003, 03:46 PM
I understand I'm a Rezzing Druid ;)

11-18-2003, 07:50 PM
stupid question time...

the posts i have read indicate that the filter files ditrubuted by blueadept should work with MYSEQ.. however when i untar them they are formatted strangely..

If i load up one of them in notepad its all bunched together with weird characters strewn about..

if i load it up into Wordpad it looks perfect.. if i then save it in....crud let me look text document - ms-dos format it strips out all that extra formatting crap and it then more or less works in MYSEQ.. i still have to hit the f6 to reload it..

am I correct in that MYSEQ should inherently read the SHOWEQ .conf files that blueadept maintains without modification or do i need to modify each file?? or is their a conversion tool already out that will just change the files en masse that I am missing somewhere..


11-18-2003, 10:05 PM
The problem you are seeing is that the files from SEQ are saved as a UNIX based format (return only) vs. DOS (return/new line).

Use a Text Editor like UltraEdit http://www.ultraedit.com and it will ask you to convert it to DOS based, choose yes. Then once you save it it will be saved as a DOS based format.

11-18-2003, 11:32 PM
Ok put all the alert files in my Filter directory. Went to put Guardian of Doomfire in PoFire file and now nothing shows on map.

11-19-2003, 05:35 AM
Your post is very vague, when you say showed nothing does that mean it didn't show any mobs or it didn't HiLite any mobs?

Post your Alert file for that zone.

Did you hit F6 to manually load the zone filters?

Try to give as much details as possible so we can figure out the issue.

11-20-2003, 04:28 PM
Also, I've noticed that some of the filters included with the newer version include the actual EQ name (ie # in front of rare mobs, and 00, 01, etc at the end) which you shouldn't have in there.

If a name shows up as #Big_Ugly_Mofo01 just put it in filters as Big Ugly Mofo

Seems even if it's set as Big Ugly Mofo00 and that spawn exists, it doesn't pop up. I guess the filter cuts off the numbers at the end.

On a sidenote, speaking of numbers, anyone ever looked at the hoppers in DSP? They have some messed up numbers, like A Rockhopper5000