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11-11-2003, 05:56 PM
1.15.7 available at http://www.dvolve.net/EQ/MySEQ

Fixed the bug Midnight mentioned about the map not cancelling the target when you click in an area without a mob. It now works as follows:

Clicking on a mob will select it in the spawn list and draw a line to it in the map window.

Clicking on the map where there is no mob will remove the line to that mob, but keep the mob selected in the spawn list (changed this as a personal preference because "de-selecting" it in the spawn list wasn't fully de-selecting it and instead making it a black on black row).

Clicking on the map and dragging will pan the map like it always has, but will keep any mob selected that was selected when you started dragging.

Fixed the link

11-11-2003, 08:00 PM
That link isnt working for me bro.

11-11-2003, 08:03 PM
I fixed the link, try again

11-11-2003, 08:35 PM
nope, still busted.

11-11-2003, 10:12 PM

The text is correct in the post, but there's some extra characters in the actual link.

11-11-2003, 10:40 PM
I fixed the link and tested it.

11-12-2003, 02:36 AM
Awesome work guys.. Now get the 2.0 server up working, so the auto targeting work again :)

11-12-2003, 07:11 AM
The autotargeting has nothing to do with Server 2.0. You can use the EQ Auto select with Server 1.9b. If you can't then turn on logging and let us know what the logs are saying.

11-12-2003, 05:19 PM
Will check the offsets from ini file.. and eventually the log if sumtin is wrong..

11-12-2003, 07:08 PM
Jag add the Color checking code to the Spawn List as well. Lite Blue/Green on white is very hard to read.

11-13-2003, 02:50 AM
I thought there was already code that swapped to a different set of *similar* con colors if the spawn list background was white? It doesn't really make sense to use the same GetDistinctColor calls as the map because the con colors will be completely different than the well known red/yellow/white/blue/light blue/green.

Do we need to make a change to the alternate set's colors? Or is it that people are making the spawn list background color not exactly white, but mostly white...thus never making the change to the alternate set?

11-13-2003, 07:11 AM
The code has some logic for color checking on the Spawn List, but it doesn't adjust the color good enough. The Lite Blue and Lite Grren are very hard to read. Now I can change the background of the Spawn List but It then may effect the Darker colors.

I have not tried changing the Spawn List yet to find a good match. I use Dark Gray on the Map and things looks good so I may try it on the Spawn List.

11-13-2003, 02:17 PM
Hmm.. i just cant seem to get the "autotarget" funcion to work with the 1.9b server at all.. i am using the same .ini file with both 1.9b server as i do with 1.10 server..

With the 1.10 server this feature works good, but 1.10 has a tendency to crash at times.. With 1.9b it does not work with autotarget at all..

It was mentioned to check log files, but i am a tad unsure where to turn on logging with the 1.15.7 client tho..

11-13-2003, 02:52 PM
To turn on Logging got to Options -> Options -> General Tab : Setting Logging to 1

I'm going to download them 1.15.7 client and I will verify that it work with that client on 1.9b

11-13-2003, 07:34 PM
Using 1.15.7 and 1.9b as we speak and auto-target is working fine for me when I turn it on. I'm using the following offsets:

[Memory Offsets]

[SpawnInfo Offsets]

[GroundItem Offsets]

[CharInfo Offsets]

11-14-2003, 02:54 AM
I am using 1.15.7 and 1.9b with the above offsets and it isn't working for me. I am running server and client on different machines, both XP Pro.

11-14-2003, 06:51 AM
Silly question...

Are we certain someone didn't modify 1.9b to do auto targeting and neglected to bump the revision number?

11-14-2003, 07:03 AM
I have had a friend say that 1.15.7 had an issue. I will look at it today to see what might be going on. Since I have the source to 1.9b and 1.15.7 I should be able to figure something out.

11-14-2003, 08:56 AM
I am using the excact offsets listen couple of posts back, with 1.9b server and 1.15.7 client, and autotarget does not work. If i switch to 1.10 server with the same offsets, it works.. I dont know if its the 1.15.7 client that is the culprit, but will see if i can find the log settings :)

Perhaps the way to go is to fix the unstability issues in the 1.10 server? I used the 1.10 server for 4 hours yesterday without any problem, but the other day it crashed 3 times in less than 20 minutes, so i am not sure what makes it so unstable..

11-14-2003, 09:04 AM
using 1.15.7..server 1.9b.

My autotarget works nicely

11-14-2003, 09:35 AM
I'm stepping thru the code and I can see it get the target information.

Make sure you have the correct offsets posted in the Offset 11/5 Thread. I was having problems with Spawns not populating and found out that the Offsets I was using was incorrect (go figure since I'm the one who found the correct ones :))

Blind Aviator
11-15-2003, 02:38 AM
Not sure if you are aware of this one...

I am having a problem with this version loading .TXT maps...

When I zoned to any zone with a .TXT it will not load the map and will not show any spawns (this seems to be a problem when the client cannot find a map it will not show anything)...

Normally I have to shutdown the client, restart it, hit GO (it will show spawns then), and load the map manually.... I have tried leaving it running and STOP/GO loading maps but it just won't work....


11-15-2003, 09:45 AM
Zip up the .Txt map and post it here. What Server version are you using? (Shouldn't matter tho).

Blind Aviator
11-15-2003, 11:56 PM
Using server v1.9b ....

This map is the one at the time that wouldn't load... I have had other .TXT maps that also have the same problems (they worked with the old version made by Caveman without any problems)....



11-16-2003, 12:29 AM
It's not a valid map file, the first line is the Zone name and in this one it's missing it so it going to fail. Look at a few others and you will see what I'm talking about. You can probably cut and paste and make it work. But, I think there is a complete list of maps here hosted by Arib and/or in the Installation package.

Blind Aviator
11-16-2003, 08:29 AM
If you will go back and check the original client made by Cavemanbob (ones before other people started modifications) you will find that if you try to put a zone name in it it crashes.... The original MySeq proggie required that you NOT put a zone name in it....

These are the exact, unmodified .TXT maps I have been using since MySEQ was released (6+ months ago?) and cavemanbob made the .TXT files a valid map extension....

So basically you have changed it so it is no longer backwards compatible...


11-16-2003, 10:16 AM
I have'nt changed the mapping functions, but others may have. As far as I can tell there is a complete set (or atleast what they say) of maps available being hosted on several sites here.

If you dont want to get the the new maps then by all means stay with the version you are using. Nobody is forceing anyone to upgrade the clients and servers. People do so, so they can enjoy the new features being release and if this means not being 100% backwards compatiable then it may be for the better of the Project. We try to keep the basic layout of stuff the same but we do change it from time to time.

If you find the soucre code then I will take a look at it to see what has changed to see if there is anything we can do but cant promise anything.

Blind Aviator
11-16-2003, 07:58 PM
Unfortunately the change in ability to use the plain .TXT files created with the in-game mapping system makes mapping new zones considerably more difficult....

In the past I was able to pop into new zones, map them and then drop the maps into the maps directory for MySEQ and use them immediately to see if I have missed any areas... Now that you cannot do that anymore I have no way of knowing if the maps I created are totally accurate or if they are missing some parts... I am usually one of the first people to get the full accurate maps for new zones when they pop into the world posted here for everyone to use but now that the in-game maps are no longer "valid" maps I see no reason to do that anymore since nobody can use them...

There are a lot of the old world zones that I spent literally days remapping (more than 4 1/2 hours mapping Sebilis alone) to be more accurate than the old ones.... Now that this change has been made those maps are 100% useless...

If you find the soucre code then I will take a look at it to see what has changed to see if there is anything we can do but cant promise anything.

I never downloaded the source for any of his releases... The only thing I have is one of his last versions before everyone started modifying it.... I could easily post that version to my FTP and you could run it to see what I am meaning here (normal .TXT files working without zone header info)...

Come to think of it a client a few versions back was still working with the old mapping system (versions after Caveman's last release).... I will load up some old versions I still have here and see if I can find one where it still works and you can check that one out....

Normally I wouldn't be saying anything about changes as usually changes in programs are for the better (feedback from users add needed features and bug fixes).... But when changes such as this one make the program more difficult to use then I start to have a problem with it (Micro$oft comes to mind with that statement)...

Will post back here when and if I find a previous version that still use the old TXT files...


11-16-2003, 08:47 PM
I just loaded the map you linked above and everything worked fine with no changes to the .Txt or the Source Code.

I looked at other .Txt files and they look the same so that's when I tested your file. My post above was posted without trying it. I'm used to the files with the Zone Tag information in it.

Can you manually open the map file: File -> Open Map?

Is it giving you any errors?

Have you tried to turn on Error Logging?

Blind Aviator
11-16-2003, 10:50 PM
Can you manually open the map file: File -> Open Map?
Yes but I have to shutdown the client and restart it before I can load it manually (when it doesn't load the TXT map normally that is)...

Is it giving you any errors?
No errors it just stops doing anything... It doesn't crash or lockup it just stops showing spawns, your char, maps and so on... You can still hit the STOP and GO buttons and even close the program normally it just won't seem to do anything...

Have you tried to turn on Error Logging?
No I didn't think to turn it on the last time.... I will turn it on next time before I hit the zones that give me problems...


The Mad Poet
11-17-2003, 06:01 PM
It does the same thing to me - only maps I have in txt are LDoN so I figured it was an LDoN thing - actually it does it for LDoN maps that are in map format too... so I still think it is an LDoN thing...

11-17-2003, 06:05 PM
Post the map file your are having trouble with so I can take a look at it.

I'm going to add some code to check if map errors and I will set a flag if bad map so you can still use MySEQ, just without a map.