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View Full Version : Configure Alert Sound

01-29-2002, 07:34 AM
I'm probably going to get flamed for this... Well, anyway...

I've looked in the showeq.conf file and I've noticed that there are entries for the alerts... I've tried to follow it and set a fully pathed .wav file to no avail...

SpawnAudioCommand "/usr/bin/esdplay spawn.wave &"
changed it to
SpawnAudioCommand /usr/bin/esdplay /usr/root/sounds/alert.wav

I've enclosed it in double quotes and I've tried it without quotes... either way when launching SEQ it segfaults...

Can someone give me a little insight as to what I'm doing wrong here? Thanks!

01-29-2002, 11:20 AM
Did you leave off the ampersand "&" ?

Are the audio files called by the correct name i.e. .wav or .wave?
It doesn't matter if it's .wav or .wave as long as it's named the same as what the .conf file is looking for.

Have you ran sndconfig?

You can test your sound by typing

/usr/bin/esdplay spawn.wave &

at a shell prompt.

01-29-2002, 12:02 PM
Sound works, I can execute at a command line to play the sound...

/usr/bin/esdplay /usr/root/sounds/alert.wav

and it plays just fine. I was actually using it to listen to MP3's while playing EQ... So I know the sound works...

Yes, I tried it with the '&' at the end of the line (I assumed that it was nessecary)

I haven't run sndconfig, do I need to do something with that even though my sound is already working?

01-29-2002, 07:44 PM
Quite a while ago something happened in the code for SEQ sound alerts. The solution, put the call for the sound in a shell script and then use that script in showeq.conf to get the alert to play.

If you are playing mp3s while using SEQ then it will also prevent the playing of a wav file since it is using the sound device.


/usr/bin/esdplay spawn.wave &


SpawnAudioCommand /path/to/sound/script