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View Full Version : MySEQ 1.15.8

11-17-2003, 07:20 AM
MySEQ 1.15.8 is ready for download at:


New Features:
Target Info - Allow you to Change Font/Size/Style
Target Info - Changes the backgound based on the Con Color
Spawn List - Allow you to Change Font Style
Directories - Allow you to type in a path vs. using Browse button.
Error Logging - Added more logging areas in the soruce
Option Menu - Adjusted menu system to group Colors and Fonts

Worked on some of the Con Colors
Minor bugs.

I'm going to redo the Con Color infrastructure ASAP so that it shows the Level number vs. Offset. The levels will be placed in an Ini file so folks can make changes eaiser.

Ex. Ini:
# Usage: Level #=Highest Green Level,Highest Lite Blue Level

[Con Levels]

I will convert all the existing Con Levels but I know the Con Colors are off some, so if you see a problem then you need to post the correct ones so we can post the correct settings.

11-17-2003, 10:21 AM
Another smooth release. The only thing I see that needs adding at this time is option saving. Each new version that is released, wipes out old settings. Having to retype in my IP and spend 5 min redoing my config every release is daunting. Other than that, no bugs thus far

11-17-2003, 10:26 AM
I'm working on that with my self-installers.

Hey MYSEQ2---Does the xml file holding the IP address get modified much with each release?

11-17-2003, 10:38 AM
Anytime we add a new setting to the .XML file it decides to blow away the old one.

You think it's rough on you, you should try adding new features hehe. It blows mine away atleast 5 times more depending on what I'm doing. I will look to see if SOAP can save the old file and just update it or are we stuck with the limitation of the functions.

I'm about reay to recreate that area using an Ini file. This would prevent the overriding all the time ;).

11-17-2003, 10:39 AM
Make sure everyone checks the Con Colors. If you see a mistake please post the problem with the correct levels.

11-18-2003, 01:05 AM
Why not just switch to using plain XML to load the class variables? SOAP was a choice out of laziness, but it does cause tons of problems when more settings are added, but loading XML is much easier than loading INI files.

11-18-2003, 06:52 AM
I will look into the XML file, I like Ini files over XML becuase I can edit Ini files easier and not have to worry about the XML code.

I have a Class Routine already that can do Ini files but I will try the XML code.

11-19-2003, 06:24 PM
I modified the FrmMain_Paint a little:

1) changed to use SpawnSize as the diameter of the mob/player rather than the radius - gives the user more flexibility over the size.

2) Work out X+Y coordinates once for each mob/player etc rather than for each point - should speed up the paint routine a little.

11-19-2003, 09:07 PM
Thanks, I will add that and release 1.15.9 tomorrow once I get it in and test it

11-20-2003, 01:19 PM
Slart, I like the changes Good Job. I will be releashing 1.15.9 today. One day I will get in there and try to optimize some more.