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View Full Version : This is great

12-01-2003, 11:35 PM
Finally got it all set up and working, I run the client on a seperate computer. It makes EQ so much more fun for me, I know its considered cheating but jesus after 4 years of EQ I think I deserve the benefits lol.

I was going to setup a linux box etc. but after reading all the faq's etc. on original SEQ I was just overwhlemed, I could probably do it but it would take me days and reasearch and to be honest I have no desire to learn Linux I would just be doing it to get SEQ operating.

I am hesistant to put the word out to my friends who play EQ because quite frankly I would be afraid of it going the way the old WinSEQ wen't. What are all your thoughts on this? You know how things like this spread like wildfire :/

12-02-2003, 07:22 AM
SEQ/MySEQ/MacroQuest are products that have been around for a very long time and the folks at EQ know all about these programs. If you don't abuse the system then they turn a blind eye most of the time.

Rules of Use:
1) Don't tell anybody what you are using.
2) Don't talk about what you see in game, you will see that Sony tries to have a sense of humor when they have invisable spawns that say "ShowEQ users sucks", well guess what only SEQ folks will ever know about it so if you say something about it, well.
3) Don't run straight to the Rarest mob in the zone when you are on the opposite side of the zone.

My bro is the best Tracker in the game, opps he's a Monk, how can that be? Overtime you will be able to tell when others are using 3rd party software to help them in the game.

After playing EQ for 3yrs and paying for 3 accounts, I really don't care if they ban me hehe. I would save $40 a month. Now you talk about WinSEQ for example EQ banned everyone who used it but someone high up in Sony wasn't getting there full bonus check because of it so they added the windows feature to EQ then sent out emails to all those they banned for using it and begged them to come back.

Bottom line if they ban everyone using 3rd party software they would loose hundreds of thousands dollars a month in revenue and it don't take alot of bad months to add up to major losses. That's very hard to explain to the Board of Trustees and the share holders. Most folks who use the 3rd party products are generally tierd of playing EQ and probably would have stopped playing a long time ago. So with that said I think Sony owes us some money for rejuvanating there products. I would say 10% of anual revunue who suffice.

Ok, time to wake up and get back to programming. Have fun with the program, just don't get caught.