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12-02-2003, 09:21 AM
anywhere we can download the newest maps ? I cant seem to find them anywhere LHEP !!

12-02-2003, 09:24 AM
Xeerex has all the maps. You can download his Sel Installer and it will install the maps.

I think he was working on a Self Installer for just the maps but not sure. To find new maps you can check at the SEQ site to see if there is a map we don't have.

12-02-2003, 10:18 AM
I'm having a problem with a few of the ldon maps. Any loy style will not load (auto or manually).

I'm using . I know this is an older version but the 1.15s were running slow on my laptop as well as for some reason they would run and then just stop after about 5 minutes and I would have to hit go again. Also with one of the 15 versions (for me at least) the spawn dots have become so tiny they are very difficult to see.

I just tried loading loy style maps into both 15.11 and 15.12 and both load fine. Is there a way to convert the maps I have (all mir, mmc, and Ruj) to .map format? I tried Mapfiends converter and it doesn't work. I seem to remember being able to manually load ldon loy style at some point just not sure on the version (or the offsets).

Anything that I can do to make this work. I like a lot of the changes in the 15 series just runs too slow on my machine.

12-02-2003, 10:26 AM
I would like to figure out why it's slow on your system since we have removed and changed alot of code to help speed it up.

As for the tiny spawns that's a setting under the Options Window (Drawn Spawn Size). If you download 1.15.12 the defualt Spawn Draw Size is 4 now vs. 2.

I would suggest using Server 1.11 and Client 1.15.12 to see if you are still having the slow response, if so then post us the machine configurations. I develop the Project on a AMD XP2500 (~1.8 GHZ) but I run it on my 450 MHz laptop running WinXP. You can also adjust the refresh rate to a higher number which in turns polls the Server a lil slower.

12-02-2003, 10:35 AM
// posted again in the main forum wasnt sure if anyone
//would come here looking :) sorry for the double post

the very fist time i ran used 1.15.12 it seem to work then the next time i ran it keep getting this errror

"" uncaught exception in main(): Could not findfile"c:\documents and settings\......\......\ showeq ver 1.15.12\config\classes.txt

Can anyone help please

Thank in advance

I have problem with Linux version it runs slow on my system however the windows version does not.......

12-02-2003, 10:46 AM
K I'll try it. I am using the latest server.

I looked around and for some stupid reason I couldn't find anything to change the spawn sizes, thanks for the heads up/

My laptop is old. Like Pentium 2 old. I think it's a 300mhz.

Any reason why it just stops updating? The button actually flips back from stop to go. Is that a new setting?

12-02-2003, 11:04 AM
For the Spawn Draw Size hit F1 then on the General Tab you will see Spawn Size. You can change this to make them smaller or larger.

As for the stop updating I bet you are sitting still in game and the mobs seem to walk to an area and the stop? If you measure this you will see it stops drawing everything outside a 1000' radius. You can thank Sony for this feature. It's part of there reduce the packets sent to clients aka reduce lag in zones.

If you sit at a zone for example and don't move and someone comeing into the zone may not see you because you haven't moved (something like that). Then if you move you will pop up in thier view. Same thing when you see a mob pop in and out.

12-02-2003, 11:25 AM
No I mean it just was stopping. Completely. The button would change from STOP to GO, like I had stopped it. Nothing continues to update.

12-02-2003, 11:37 AM
ok, let's try something else turn on Logging (Set to 1 under the Option Window) and see if there is any errors being generated.

I haven't seen the Stop/GO button change by itself but I will look into it.

12-03-2003, 01:22 AM
Running 1.15.12 and all is good. Runs nicely on the laptop.

THanks for the help and all the effort you've put into this. I'm gonna fire up the others have (10 & 11) and see which one was doing the stop/go thing. get ya whatever info I can.

12-03-2003, 06:52 AM
Let me know, I'm working on 1.15.13 and will be releasing it this week once I get these new features in there.

12-03-2003, 03:37 PM
1 other question.

The spawn list flashes ALOT (assuming it's reupdating) so much it's hard to even click something, I've tried adjusting the update time but that doesn't seem to help. What can I do so it doesn't flash (redraw?) as much?

12-03-2003, 07:38 PM
Nothing the whole screen gets refreshed every xxx ms. The flashing isn't causing the slow down. It's the whole process that does so for example everytime you see the flash of something that really meant it refreshed 2 times once to draw the spawn flash and once without the flash.

So with that said the only true way to reduce the screen refreshes is to poll the server fewer times which means increase the time from 250 ms to say 1000 ms (1 sec). then you would see the Spawn Timer every 2 secs, it's there for 1 sec then removed for 1 sec wnd then the process is done over and over.

I could add a skip timer process so it wouldn't even try to process it for a period of cycles. But all that is going to save you is a few msecs.

I'm thinking in the Server 2.0 doing filtering on the server side and only siding the spawn information for those spawns that need updating. This would increase the Client drastically but the server would increase just a lil bit. That server increase may be to much of an increase tho if you are running the Client on a separate machine that actually could handle the processing vs. the Server fighting for CPU cycles from EQ.

Normal EQ playing takes about 95% CPU cycles or more, this is because the folks at Sony forgot how to program. There is a utility called EQCPU from the folks at MacroQuest that will cause EQ to reduce the Frames Per Second (FPS) to a reasonable rate. You don't see any visual differences in game but the computer will be more responsive to you (aka LAG reducer).

My setup is a WinXP, AMD XP2500 (~1.6+ Ghz), 1 Gb RAM, SATA HD (1.5 times faster than regular IDE HD), NVidia 256 Mb RAM. I still see EQ taking 96% CPU then I run EQCPU and have seen it drop to 40% CPU utilization. That makes it alot easier for me to program with.

Alright enough yapping back to programming.

12-03-2003, 10:39 PM
One map that would be good to work on is the Tower of SolRo. The 5 lairs (Xuzl, Arlyxir, Rizlona, Jiva and Protector of Dresolik) are totally devoid of any lines.

If anyone wise in the ways of mapping a non-cartography zone, it would be much appreciated :) It's a pain in the butt to pull in the lairs without any walls showing :P

12-03-2003, 10:45 PM
That's out of my realm hehe

12-04-2003, 02:34 AM
I'm sure there's still some old map-maker-parser programs out there somewhere. Back in the days when mapping a zone meant hitting /loc at every point you wanted.

If there aren't, it probably wouldn't be *too* hard to write one.