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View Full Version : Cant get the server to work

12-05-2003, 12:05 PM
This is my first try to get this to work. I used the installer to install client 15.12 and sever 1.11. I am running EQ and the MySeq on one PC which is a win 98 machine I am comcast as an ISP.

Heres the problem. I log in to EQ, go to windowed. Then to Desk top and click the server. Starts a DOS window and says waiting for connection. It never gets past that though? Can anyone tell me what I am doign wrong atm ?

Any help would be appreciated.


12-05-2003, 12:11 PM
Are you then starting the SEQ client? That's the part that actually connects to the SEQ server. From your depiction it sounds like you are just running the server.

12-05-2003, 12:26 PM
No I was not just tried that but the client said it was missing a DLL..............MSCOREE.DLL. Where can I find this and do I put it in the client dir?


12-05-2003, 12:29 PM
You need to install the .NET Framework 1.1 from either Windows Update or here:


12-05-2003, 12:31 PM
Thanks DLing that now. WIll post if I have a problem or it works.


12-05-2003, 12:54 PM
ok got the Client to load but server not connecting. Any Ideas ? Do I set the IP address to my address ?


12-05-2003, 01:27 PM
Starts a DOS window and says waiting for connection.

You stated the Server was running.

Now what we need to do is figure out why the Client won't connect to the server.

1) When you run the client do you get any errors?
2) Once inside the client did you set the options? If not hit F1.
3) Verify the IP address is set to the Server's IP Address (I've heard it many times that they have and it has been IP Address)
4) Verify the Port is set to 5555
6) Set Logging to 1
7) click OK
8) Click GO
9) Do you see anything in the Client?
10) Did the Server show a new connection from the Client IP Address?

If these fail then post your Error log and let use take a look.

You can open a DOS prompt on the Server and type: telnet {Server IP Address} 555{Enter}
This will clear the screen and you should have a flashing curse in the upper left corner. Now hit {Enter} and you should see a lot of garbage scrolling accross the screen. If so the Server is working fine.

Now do the telnet on the Client machine (if on separate machine) and see if you see the data.

12-05-2003, 01:41 PM
I followed the same procedure listed above. I was able to connect via telent but not through the client ? I have the same IP and ports listed though. Any help? no errors just no connection in the client and hte server is still waiting. Thanks for all the help.


12-05-2003, 03:41 PM
You are actually running Everquest, right?

12-05-2003, 04:39 PM
Yes had a toon in PoT.

12-05-2003, 10:04 PM
Turn on Logging (F1 Set Logging to 1) run the Server and then the Client. Try to connect to the Server.

In the Logs directory there should be a file with the log info in it.

what IP address are you using? Don't use, use the real IP address (ie.

12-06-2003, 12:47 AM
You may have already done this, please read these pages as well:



And a silly point, but once you have the Server program AND the Client program running on teh same computer, did you click the GO button in the Client program?

12-06-2003, 01:07 AM
ok tried that. Log in set to 1.

1. IP set too
2. logged into EQ, windowed
3. Started server 1.11......waiting to connect.
4. started client 1.15.12 .......loads butno info shows up, server still waiting to connect and no errors, nothing in the log file.

I am stumped. I did use the self install utility to install the client.

Ok I am an idiot LOL NO I DID NOT hit the go buton LOL.

Its working Woot thanks a lot guys.

12-06-2003, 10:52 AM

Congratz and welcome to a new Norrath!

12-06-2003, 10:57 AM
Xeerex, the steps I listed above is a great strat on troubleshooting. We can refine these steps and try and get CMB to make it a Sticky once we get them set. Until then if you want to make a FAQ/Troubleshooting page on you site that would help alot of folks.

12-06-2003, 11:03 AM
I'll work on that today sometime.

I have to take the kids to see Santa Claus first (aka being domesticated) to keep the wife happy! :cool:

12-06-2003, 11:05 AM
Ahhh that wife faction junk.