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View Full Version : ShowEQ v5 impressions?

12-07-2003, 11:57 AM
Would anyone that has installed ShowEQ version 5 please post their impressions?

I don't have the time at the moment to download and try it out.. especially with all the great new features and changes.

If there's positive feedback, I'll take the plunge. I'm sure there are others interested as well.

Thanks in advance.

12-07-2003, 04:10 PM
It looks fantastic, Zaphod. I just played around for a few minutes, but will be giving it a good work through tonight.

I love the new channel window. I was one who always turned it off, since it was mostly useless to me. But now I can put my alert and spell messages in it, dock it in the main window, and maximize the application instead of having to watch the console window behind it. I can turn off the chat channels, since I never cared to see those duplicated in seq when I already had them in game.

For those who haven't seen it yet, picture another dockable window, like the spawn list, for example. It scrolls the message text the client sees, just like the old one did, but you can turn off and on any message type, not just chat. You can also make your own types, and show or hide whatever you want. You can change colors or formatting too. For example:

Zone: Zoning, Please Wait...(Zone: 'nexus')
Debug: Welcome to the lovely downtown 'Nexus' with an experience multiplier of 0.75000000
Say: 'Dumbass01' - Do you have any gear I can have?
Spell: Odus_Scion00 has begun casting 'Barrier of Combustion' - Casting time is 4.5 Seconds.

Don't want to see the Zone and Debug lines in your window? Turn them off. Want to see them, but in a different window? Turn on message window 2 and enable just those types. Awesome.

I'm especially looking forward to the spawnpoint window. If it does what I'm pretty sure it does I will be ecstatic. This is another window that has columns for X, Y, Z, Remaining, Name, Last, Spawned, and Count. I assume it will list all the points in the zone. Now you don't have to mouse over every point, you can just have a list. Sort by time remaining? Yes please.

Zaphod, could you post a small intro to the new filter format? I saw that your script tags "oldfilter" and "regex" around each filter line. What is the new method?

Thanks for all the work. It looks great.

Edit: For what it's worth, it all compiled for me flawlessly on Redhat 9 with QT 3.1.1. I just tared up my old Seq folder just in case, copied my filters to a temp directory so I could convert them, and built as normal. I then converted all my old filters (BlueAdept's base with lots of my own stuff) and dropped them into the new filters subdirectory. Smoove like butta.

12-07-2003, 04:39 PM
A couple things I noticed after just playing a few minutes:

Maybe add a text select pick on the right-click for the spell window. Most of the other windows have them.

This has been around for a while - in some windows, when you drag some columns to resize them, a column that was hidden shows back up. For example, turn off Race in the spawn window, but leave Class and Level. Now try to resize the Level column, and Race comes back. This happens in a few different windows.

I'll post more if I find anything. Again, great work!

12-07-2003, 08:02 PM
Looks Great Zaphod.

Couple things I have noticed.

When trying to DOCK the Spawn Point Window (could possibly be any window), the program freaks out, a window starts blinking rapidly. Have to close program and restart.

Mobs are not updating properly. We killed one and it still showed up as being in it's place, not a corpse and when pulling one, the one right around the corner from it did not show up on the map. This was in Bastion of Thunder, Oreen's room.

When you go to Open a Map File, it's pointing to /root/.showeq. Shouldn't it be /usr/local/share/showeq/maps ?

12-07-2003, 08:35 PM
Read the Changes file. Showeq now supports .showeq folders (so you can have per user configurations).

12-07-2003, 08:46 PM
doens't help much when root is required to sniff packets.

12-07-2003, 10:02 PM
Looks great, my only beef is trrying to see the entire map in the map window...

In the older versions, when the zoom-factor was at 1, the entire map woould display in the map window, regarless of its size on the screen...

Now it seems that unless the map window has a fullscreen up, ,or isnt dcked, it cuts off the right most 5-8% of it...

Am I missign a setting or something ??


12-07-2003, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by Dedpoet
Maybe add a text select pick on the right-click for the spell window. Most of the other windows have them.

There already is a minimalist right-click context menu for the spell window. It could definitely use some updating and some added menu picks, other than that I'm not sure what you mean? The one place where you can right-click in the spells window where it won't come up is the listviews header (and only because I haven't found a clean way to hook that). If you are having trouble accessing a particular windows right-click menu you now have the option of going to the Window menu where all of those menus are made available from the menu bar.

This has been around for a while - in some windows, when you drag some columns to resize them, a column that was hidden shows back up. For example, turn off Race in the spawn window, but leave Class and Level. Now try to resize the Level column, and Race comes back. This happens in a few different windows.

This is a "feature" of Qt's listview implementations. Basically when you disable/hide a column you are really setting its width to 0. You just have to be very careful where you click when resizing. I'm not particularly inclined to change that behaviour at this juncture. If you would like to change it, feel free to submit a patch.

Originally posted by Elyon
When trying to DOCK the Spawn Point Window (could possibly be any window), the program freaks out, a window starts blinking rapidly. Have to close program and restart.
Strange, I haven't seen that. Docking windows can cause other docked windows to get reorganized in sometimes surprising ways, but that is default Qt docking behaviour. What happens when you release the mouse button? Also, which window starts blinking rapidly?

Mobs are not updating properly. We killed one and it still showed up as being in it's place, not a corpse and when pulling one, the one right around the corner from it did not show up on the map. This was in Bastion of Thunder, Oreen's room.

I'll look into it. I have not seen that problem personally.

When you go to Open a Map File, it's pointing to /root/.showeq. Shouldn't it be /usr/local/share/showeq/maps ?
It normally defaults to whatever directory the currently loaded map is from, typically /usr/local/share/showeq/maps. If, however, a map had not been found for a zone it defaults to the users $HOME/.showeq/maps directory. It defaults to that location since that is where it expects people to drop new maps that they download off the web or create. This change in behaviour is so that peoples favorite maps (and other files) will no longer get overwritten when they install a new version of ShowEQ.

Originally posted by uRit1u2CBBA=
doens't help much when root is required to sniff packets.

First, it does help, since the user can put their own maps into a directory that is not overwritten by 'make install', thus solving a long standing problem for anyone that uses maps or other files that don't come with ShowEQ.

Second, You can setup ShowEQ to run setuid root (chmod u+s /usr/local/bin/showeq). When showeq is run in this fashion any directories and files will be created with the correct ownership and permissions under the users .showeq directory. For safety purposes, when ShowEQ is run setuid root it gives up root immediately after opening the network device.

Originally posted by Hendrix_Morton
Looks great, my only beef is trrying to see the entire map in the map window...

In the older versions, when the zoom-factor was at 1, the entire map woould display in the map window, regarless of its size on the screen...

Now it seems that unless the map window has a fullscreen up, ,or isnt dcked, it cuts off the right most 5-8% of it...

Am I missign a setting or something ??

Just resize the containing window if part of the map is being covered by it. One problem with the move to using Qt's native dockable window implementation is that the Main window doesn't automatically resize to accomodate the docked windows. The map zoom and visibility was not changed in this release other then issues related to using Qt's native docking capabilities.

Zaphod (dohpaZ)

12-08-2003, 08:53 AM
There already is a minimalist right-click context menu for the spell window. It could definitely use some updating and some added menu picks, other than that I'm not sure what you mean? The one place where you can right-click in the spells window where it won't come up is the listviews header (and only because I haven't found a clean way to hook that). If you are having trouble accessing a particular windows right-click menu you now have the option of going to the Window menu where all of those menus are made available from the menu bar.

I'm not having trouble accessing it, I just meant that there isn't a font pick on the right-click menu in the spells list. I changed it from the window menu, no problem. I just thought that since the other text-based windows have a font pick on their right-click menu, the spells window could also. Not a problem at all, just something I noticed.

Basically when you disable/hide a column you are really setting its width to 0. You just have to be very careful where you click when resizing.

Thanks for the info about the columns. I have been working around it for a long time, but it's good to know the reason behind it. I'll just move all the columns I don't use to the far right before I hide them.

12-08-2003, 11:42 AM
looks somehow 'cleaner' than seq4.. no idea why ;)

docked windows.. i run with full-height spawnlist|map1|map2 - getting these in this position was only possible by closing all windows, then opening them in that order, and resized small. anything i did with dragging the window bars around caused very unintuative effects.

is save-preferences supposed to save window position/any preferences? it didn't seem to - though quit saved it all.

i didn't notice support for suid - i was running with "HOME=/home/user showeq"

12-08-2003, 04:01 PM
suid has been in for a very long time. Actually I don't know why it wouldn't have worked from the very begining...

12-08-2003, 04:19 PM
Docking Windows: If you undock Spawnlist2, move it to the bottom of the map so it is on the right side of the currently docked windows, The entire screen freaks out when you tell it to DOCK again.. Maybe it's just on my system. It's not a big deal, I am just reporting what is happening.

In order to get out of it, I have to Close SEQ and restart it

Has anyone else had a problem with Spawns not showing up at all or when a mob is killed, the spawn is still showing on the map in it's original position?

12-08-2003, 04:30 PM
From what I've seen so far of Beta 5 its great.

Issues I have run into so far:

1- After useing the filterxml utility none of my filters worked. I then went in and edited them. Found that a 'space' was at the end of all the names ** <oldfilter><regex>Name:Blazzax the Omnifiend </regex></oldfiter> once I removed the space at the end of the names the filters started working again

2- Just for giggles I opened up the Exp window.. When I moved it arround it actually docked to the SEQ main window. There was no dock exp window option in the View toolbar so that seemed wierd.

3- Unsure if you want to do this or not.. For the ''lazy'' people like myself it would be cool to add /usr/local/share/showeq to the map hunting function. Then do like normal where it converts the map to the new directory and new format. ** I just moved all my maps to the new directory to fix the problem. I noticed there were a few maps in the new diretory. Things like PoTimea and PoTimeb were not there though.

4- Think its been doing this for awhile but I'll bring it up anyways. When sorting by time remaining on the spawn point window. Its kinda wierd.. 11:00 beats 5:00 I believe its because the 5 is not 05. Probably a easy fix though I dont know how. Also the ? mark stays on the top. My wish would be to move the ? to the bottom of the list as most people dont care about those they only care about the ones actually being tracked.

Those are very minor things indeed. So I'd say you make a much better beta then SOE does with its releases of patches!!!

Keep up the great work and thanks to everyone who contributes

12-08-2003, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by lildr00d

4- Think its been doing this for awhile but I'll bring it up anyways. When sorting by time remaining on the spawn point window. Its kinda wierd.. 11:00 beats 5:00 I believe its because the 5 is not 05. Probably a easy fix though I dont know how. Also the ? mark stays on the top. My wish would be to move the ? to the bottom of the list as most people dont care about those they only care about the ones actually being tracked.

This is an issue with sorting as if numbers were text. In the case of 11 vs 5, 11 wins because 1 comes before 5. I think this is done because of the fact that there are ??? in the time remaining field.

12-08-2003, 04:53 PM
This is an issue with sorting as if numbers were text. In the case of 11 vs 5, 11 wins because 1 comes before 5. I think this is done because of the fact that there are ??? in the time remaining field.

Aye I agree with you on that one. That was my thinking.

Cryonic any suggestions as to a way to fix this? I figure that is a very low priority item but any pointers as to where to look to fix this. I.E. What file to search thru or something like that. I can fumble my may thru it. As with everything in computers 60% is just screwing arround going. I wonder if this will fix it ;-) LOL

12-08-2003, 04:56 PM
Oh yea.. Forgot to mention it compiled for me flawlessly on Redhat 9 with QT 3.2.2. No errors as usual

12-09-2003, 03:37 AM
I got this installed today just before heading to work. One problem I have is more cosmetic; The doc'd windows doesn't glue themselves to the right side of the main application window.

Open SEQ5 using original default settings, remove the catagory list and notice the map window doesn't auto resize to accomodate the extra space. The resize works prefectly if your expand the main application window down. Just not to the right.

12-09-2003, 12:14 PM
Nice job on the new version.

I'm not sure i like the way the windows want to dock by themselves. I use to have the exp and combat windows minimized but dont seem to be able to do that any more (they just dock to the main screen all the time, but i'll play around with it some more.

I downloaded the new filters but they dont seem to be working. Tried manualy loading them and then edit and it file is blank.
I have them in my root dir and where the others were.

12-09-2003, 01:02 PM
You can undock the windows by clicking and dragging on the left side of the window. I was able to dock and undock the Exp window and Combat window this way. Would be nice if you could minimize individual windows like you used to be able to under SEQ <= 4.3.18.

All told, very nice improvements.

12-09-2003, 01:49 PM
I have noticed that invisible man/timers or traps show up as the default purple in the spawn list, but on the map show up as regular mobs, compared to when they used to show up as purple dots. I didn't see a way to change this in the new edit map icons feature. But over all a much needed and greatly appreciated new version.

12-09-2003, 08:22 PM
I like to look at the info that is in the Terminal window, but now pretty much all i see is the chat channels scrolling by. All of them, is this by design or have i done something wrong.

12-09-2003, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by Dark
Nice job on the new version.

I'm not sure i like the way the windows want to dock by themselves. I use to have the exp and combat windows minimized but dont seem to be able to do that any more (they just dock to the main screen all the time, but i'll play around with it some more.

How are you trying to minimize them now? Use either the View menu or that little x in the upper right hand corner of their title bars.

I downloaded the new filters but they dont seem to be working. Tried manualy loading them and then edit and it file is blank.
I have them in my root dir and where the others were.

Here is are some quotes from my CVS commit and tarball of ShowEQ 5 Beta 1 (http://seq.sourceforge.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4385) post. First:

Added Proper seperation of user data from distributed program data:[list=a]
Support .showeq directory
Moved maps, filters, spawnpoints, and logs to their own subdirectories.

So, filters now go into their own directory. The root directory was just getting to be too cluttered and it is easier to manage the files if they are in seperate sub-directories.

Second, quote:

The new directory hierarchy is:

/usr/local/share/showeq - Base of the ShowEQ package data
/maps - All the system wide maps
/filters - All the system wide filters
/spawnpoints - All the system wide spawn points
/seqdef.xml - System defaults file
/worldopcodes.xml - World server opcode assignments
/zoneopcodes.xml - Zone server opcode assignments

/spells_us.txt - Spell data user copies from Everquest
/eqstr_us.txt - Message data user copies from Everquest

$HOME/.showeq - Base of the ShowEQ user data
/maps - User maps
/filters - User filters
/spawnpoints - User spawn points
/logs - Log files
/dumps - Assorted data dumps
/tmp - Temporary files

You see where lt list the filters sub-directories, the filters should go in those locations.

Originally posted by Cryonic
Would be nice if you could minimize individual windows like you used to be able to under SEQ <= 4.3.18.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this Cryonic. Would you please clarify what you mean?

Originally posted by Sphincter
I have noticed that invisible man/timers or traps show up as the default purple in the spawn list, but on the map show up as regular mobs, compared to when they used to show up as purple dots. I didn't see a way to change this in the new edit map icons feature. But over all a much needed and greatly appreciated new version.
I've already got a fix for this that will be included in the next release. Sorry for any confusion that it may cause.

Originally posted by Dark
I like to look at the info that is in the Terminal window, but now pretty much all i see is the chat channels scrolling by. All of them, is this by design or have i done something wrong.

You can control what goes into the terminal window just like you can control what goes into the Message windows. The menus for controlling what goes to the Terminal window and how it is displayed are under the"Terminal" sub-menu of the "Interface" menu-bar menu.

Thanks and Enjoy,
Zaphod (dohpaZ)

12-10-2003, 08:38 AM
Being able to control the chat and terminal windows is my favorite thing about 5. I put system messages that I only need to see if there is a problem in the terminal window (debug, zone, player, etc.). Then I put filter info and a few select other things in my main messages window. So nice.

12-14-2003, 08:45 PM
A few comments and questions:

1 - Sometimes, I'll find PCs showing up as purple plusses (like blue plusses for NPC corpses, but purple) - is that a bug, or does it have a new significance.

2 - It is often frustrating trying to get the windows to show up just the way I like it with the new qt interface. I'm trying to set up 4 windows -- map, spawn points, mob list, and spell effects. I have the map tall and wide, and want to get a spawn list narrow and tall next to it and the other two windows short below it.

I have it close, but with the spawn points tall and narrow instead of the spawn list. If I try to move it, I end up with a super wide map (goes past the edge of the monitor) and the other 3 windows underneith (also doing past the monitor's edge).

Not sure how much control you have over what falls where, but some additional control of where windows land would be nice.

3 - I love the spell effects on mobs that die vanishing from the spell effects window with the B2 build. I was going to look into that when I had time, but you beat me to it.

Other than those 2 things, works perfect for me. I just wish I had a faster machine to run it on :)

12-14-2003, 10:22 PM
It appears as though the "-P" option has been removed from the available command line args in Beta2. Was this a mistake or am I missing something?

12-15-2003, 01:45 AM
in responce to the window positioning.

I've also had alot of trouble gettin it just the way i like it hehe, you go to move one window then it pops between the other 2 and shit like that.
What would be great is if u could add a pin so pinned windows dont move regardless and u can move the others around them... is that possible with the qt docking stuff?

01-10-2004, 11:12 PM