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View Full Version : CVS commit and tarball of ShowEQ 5 Beta 2

12-13-2003, 09:06 AM
CVS commit of ShowEQ 5 Beta 2 (aka ShowEQ,

It works with 11/05/03 (and 11/25/03) EQ Live.

This is a BETA release. The latest stable release remains ShowEQ 4.3.18.

dohpaZ (12/13/03)

Updated version to
Updated the default ArqSeqGiveUp to 512 since with the current encryption scheme a single missed packet can have greater ramifications then under the previous one.
Removed some extraneous command line options.
Removed some more cruft from ShowEQParams.
Minor tweak to map spawn color selection to deal with properly with traps, event-triggers, and timers.
Many SpellShell improvements:[list=a]
Made it delete expired spells faster (after up to 6 seconds of 0, rather then 20).
Modified it to delete spells from the list for spawns that are killed.
It also now clears the caster and target ids when you zone, since they are not valid in the new zone. This allows for it to fall back to matching by target name for spells not cast in the current zone.
Major revamp of how spells are internally managed. This fixed numerous bugs and usability issues.
Added support for handling spell failure messages so that failed spells will be removed from the list.
Fixed parsing of the spells_us.txt for the targettype field. This fixed numerous problems with the handling of self-only spells.
Added a workaround to allow the use of autoconf 2.13 which turns out not to properly support automake's BUILT_SOURCES feature.
Added stdlib.h inclusion to xmlpreferences.cpp to fix the build on some Linux distributions.
Fixed addition/update of the user message filter list when no or only one item is present.
Integrated patches # 855993 "Map: potimea", # 855994 "Map: potime-b", # 855995 "Map: poearth-a", # 855996 "Map: poearth-b" submitted by curioseq
Integrated patch "showeq-5.0.0-gcc-3.3.x.patch.gz" that fixes the gcc 3.3 compatibility problem caused by a noxious bug introduced in gcc 3.3.
Updated several structures in everquest.h to be more inline with EQEmu's latest updates.
Added Group opcodes to zoneopcodes.xml. Updated group structures, and updated group notification support in MessageShell.
Major revamp of the GroupMgr. It now actually works.
Fixed map loading to be more robust in the face of malformed map files.
Fixed line 77 of Overthere.map (which map loading was choking on).

NOTE: ShowEQ now requires Qt 3.1 or higher.

NOTE: You must use eqstr_us.txt for formatted strings (instead of eqstr_en.txt).

NOTE: You must use spells_us.txt for spell information (instead of spells_en.txt).

NOTE: Don't forget to do a 'make -f Makefile.dist', 'configure', 'make', and last but definitely not least 'make install'.

This release has been tested to compile and run on stock RedHat 9 and Gentoo 1.4.

ShowEQ 5 Beta 2 is currently available on the CVS pserver and the ViewCVS server in the pre_5_0_beta branch. To retrieve the latest beta from CVS use the following command:

$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected] :/cvsroot/seq
$ cvs login
$ cvs co -r pre_5_0_beta showeq

Those who already installed the ShowEQ Beta 1 tarball or retrieved it from CVS should be able to do a CVS update in their showeq directory using the following commands:

$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected] :/cvsroot/seq
$ cvs login
$ cvs update

Because so many of you like them... I've created a tarball for this release. The ShowEQ tarball contains all of the latest changes and may be found here (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/seq/ShowEQ- in the ShowEQ Files section (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=10131).

Zaphod (dohpaZ)

12-14-2003, 07:39 AM
Thank you sir. I was able to get this version up and running without problems.....truly amazing work. thank you

12-15-2003, 10:27 AM
Thank you so much!

12-15-2003, 12:55 PM
Zaphod = ShowEQ GOD!!!!!

Thank you SO MUCH for all your hard work on this project Zaphod, you truely help make my EQ Gaming Experience FUN and worthwile.


12-17-2003, 03:17 PM
$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected] :/cvsroot/seq
$ cvs login
$ cvs co -r pre_5_0_beta showeq

Or just click disable smilies, or just assume people know that :p = ;p