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View Full Version : I'm back on the project..

01-31-2002, 06:16 PM
Even though I still hate EQ, I've decided to begin working on SEQ again <grins>. Right now, I've already commited numerous changes to the itemdb CGI helper utils to the CVS tree... I've got a couple other things already in the works:

+OpCode Monitor 1.0.1a --> 1.1a (Will use RegEx for enhanced OpCodeList rules, will also add the ability to save the OpCode's contents to a specific file as opposed to simply spaming STDOUT).

+ A new collections of classes:
ExperienceManager (encapsulates both other classes)
ExperienceList - A linked list which contains a couple structs with detailed info about the last EXP gain notification (packet).
ExperienceUtils - A collection of algorithms used in conjunction with ExperienceList's extra data (Zone / Character the last EXP update took place in/on, etc..) to determine whether the EXP's source was from killing a mob, completing a quest, being ressurected, or losing EXP from death.

The ExperienceManager API is also designed with native support for saving / appending, loading / merging of experience logs for later analyzation.. It's difficult to give full details at this point in development, since ExperienceList currently has no Save / Load functionality; However.. I intend to allow a persistent EXP log (that is, your EXP logs will be appended to old ones) with Mob/Quest/Ressurection/Death EXP update differentiation including the character on which the EXP was gained, the zone in which it was gained and possibly other misc. values to aid the ExperienceUtils alogirthms more (if memory constraints allow).

I'll flesh out more in-depth details on the ExperienceManager project once I finish the OpCode Monitor 1.1a (hopefully soon).

- Andon

P.S. Fear the Blackburrow Gnoll status next to my name! =P <These new forums are freaky compared to the old traditional SourceForge ones :)>

02-01-2002, 11:14 AM
<blink> Welcome Back Andon! </blink>