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View Full Version : Any info on....?

12-25-2003, 01:02 AM
Hey is there any info on:
1. Setting up and using the spawn timer windows (including how to bring it up again if you have closed it)?
2. The new MQConsole that has been added to 1.15.14? I've tried just playing with it but whenever I do MySEQ crashes. (Using win98 for the client machine). Not sure if it is a bug or (more likely) user error.

If you have already answered these questions can you point me towards that thread. I've been reading stuff all day and havn't found anything.

12-25-2003, 09:08 AM
Currently the Spawn Timer List does do anything and to bring it back up until the next release is to simply delete the position.xml file. In the next release I will add a toggle option for it.

The MQConsole should be working, Turn on logging and which MQ are you using? Is MQ running? Explain it more and I should be able to figure it out.

12-29-2003, 10:02 AM
I had looked all over the messages for anything about the MQ console but when I finally searched I came up with lots of explinatins. I'm not using MQconsole so that is why I didnt know what it was. I found some info on the spawn timers, but I dont know how to add anything to the list. However I'll gladly wait for the next version cause there were promises to have it working then so .....

SSSHHHHHH everyone......Let him work :)

Thanks for your help though.

12-29-2003, 10:08 AM
Spawn Timers are automatically collected and will only show when you toggle it on. The timers will start showing up after 1 full cycle of Kill and Respawn cycle. This is how we calculate the spawn timers.

I'm releasing a new version today but the Spawn Timer List wont be in there, that is a feature and this version is more bug fix related.