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View Full Version : Love it, but......

12-25-2003, 05:18 AM
First, let me say that this is the first time I used this program. Used the installer and had no trouble at all, except I had to update the offsets before use. After that fired up and worked perfectly. I admit I am a novice at this type of software and such, but, I also am a long time EQ player.

So, what can a newb to this forum and software be asking at this point? Quite simple.

When the new release of MySEQ comes out (Version 2 I belive) is it possible to have the map automatically scroll with the character at the center? Maybe have it as an option that can be turned off or on.

Well, I'm off to go hunting in EQ again. Keep up the good work.

12-25-2003, 07:05 AM
Cyankee, Options menu > Map Settings > Center on Player.
Or press F5. :)


12-25-2003, 07:12 AM
This feature does not seem to work at the moment. Even if i set center on player, the map will not scroll so that my player "circle" is always at the center of the screen..

It might work in the way that the map will scroll when i get out of the screen itself tho, but the map is not "centered" on me in any way really..

That said, i would also like some kind of "reset" button.. ie. if i move the map around a bit to look for spawns or whatever, it would be a neat feature to have a "reset" button, that would center the map (and not resize it)..

12-25-2003, 09:00 AM
The map will Center on the Player only if you are zoomed in, for example 200%. We are going to rework the Map Engine in the 2.x series to give more control of the map.

12-25-2003, 09:36 AM
In the words of a famous cartoon character....


12-25-2003, 04:45 PM
I do have a question about the software.

I'm looking at the client software now and I am curious.

Are there any detailed help files on how to use any other features on it?

I have a black window on the left side that has fishing and forage listed and nothing else. Blow that is a bigger black window that has nothing listed in it. What are the start and send buttons for?

Of course, I did not make a detailed search of this message forum, but, then again, I wasn't quite sure what to be looking for.


12-25-2003, 06:20 PM
there is another program that several users here also use called macroquest. I won't go into the details on what it does, if you want to you can read about here....


The window on the left lets you connect to this other program so that you can run them in one client for ease of use. It's a telnet client to connect and if you dont use macroquest you can just close it and ignore it. Hope that helps some

12-25-2003, 09:42 PM
Help? Instructions? Yeah right, I'm to lazy for that hehe.

Maybe in the future we will add that type of stuff but most folks would rather I develop vs. documenting.

12-26-2003, 12:18 AM
Guess I'd better do a simple Help file!

I just kinda figured that installation was the hard part (even though its not really) and that using the program was a snap. Hmm...I'll work on this "issue" in the next few days.

Bob the builder
12-26-2003, 06:44 AM
Yes, please, a help file that includes a big picture of a GO button, a cursor moving to the Go button, and then a picture of the mouse hitting the GO button.

Or maybe a hand holding a giant silver spoon force feeding a mouth !!!

I remember a line from the original Jurassic Park movie:

Life finds a way

12-26-2003, 07:01 AM
hehe, Glad someone will attempt that.

12-29-2003, 09:33 AM
Now Bob, that was funny as hell!