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View Full Version : spawn timer issues

12-25-2003, 07:32 PM
running 1.11 server and 1.15.14 client and the spawn timers seem to be tempermental and only work when they want to. it's enabled in the menu but they never seem to work, even if i click it on and off

it's worked in the past, but was hit or miss when it would work

any ideas? thanks much

12-25-2003, 08:36 PM
From what i understand, spawn timers work if you are close to the mob (within 1000 range actually) due to the bandwidth saving meathods employed by SOE. Additionally, the spawn needs to go through one full cycle before the client can update the information.

Do you fall into one of the above catagories? If not then MQSEQ2 will have to help you out.


12-25-2003, 09:30 PM
They start after 1 full cycle of Kill and then Spawn. The are collecting the data all the time whether they are shown or not. If you set Optins -> Menu Settings -> Shown Spawn Points, it will show the spawn points that are available.

I have not tried them since the patches last week but they should work since they don't work off Offsets, they do it from Spawn X,Y coordinates.

I will try to look at them over the next few days. Mixy I will get you the beta tomrrow, I did Christmas/BDay (for son) today.

12-26-2003, 07:34 AM
Spawn timers were working nicely for me on Christmas eve.
They won't show after you zone or camp unless you go through a cycle of kill & spawn.
Other than that... *shrugs*

12-26-2003, 09:09 AM
Currently we don't have the option of saving/loading the spawn timers. Those features will be coming soon.

12-27-2003, 08:52 AM
it was the range factor, thanks again