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View Full Version : MySEQ Community Support

12-30-2003, 10:09 AM
As most folks know by now, I've been doing alot of development to the project over the past few months. During this time I have had alot of folks thank me as well as offer to pay me, which I have declined and sent them to contribute to the forum.

Recently folks may have seen by posts become short with other posts. This is part of the reason why I have slowed up on development of the project. I have asked in several posts for the community to step up and to participate by taking 5 to 10 minutes a week to test things for the project, but with no reults for what I have asked.

I will continue to develop the project for my use and will release new releases when I feel the community has stepped up to the plate. There are other developers that may step up and take over with releasing versions. I put an avg. of 60 hrs or so a week towards the project in one form or another and all I have asked is 5 or 10 minutes a week.

I have posted enough in the forums on how to resolve most of the issues and how to get the offsets for the future. I will still be around but I may not participate as much. I would like to thank all of those who has stepped up and helped in resolving the issues and who have asked for features in the project. :)

01-04-2004, 10:54 AM
only showing, that until now noone has replied here...

I can only say that I didn't register until today, as I don't need any publicity...but your work is greatly appreciated! I'm popping by every week or so, to see how far the project has evolved and I must say I'm very impressed. It is still some way off the original (SEQ), but at least I can run it on my second box now :)

I'll dig for the tests you want us to conduct and see if I can do em until wed. next week.

Cheers, and stay on the project, please!

[Edit tpyo]

01-05-2004, 02:05 PM
Why the rant? I understand you want people to help you out, but there isn't much to test. The program works damn good, at least for me. The few problems I have had were addressed very quickly.

Don't see why you want everyone to test when there really isn't much to test.

01-05-2004, 02:23 PM
It's just not testing the current client but also testing the 2.x stuff as well as finding out Con Colors etc.

The program runs smoothly for you becuase of others in front of you have helped in the past fix the issues. I wasn't ranting in the normal sense it was more of trying to motivate others to help out so when there are issues they can help them vs. the devs having to do it all the time. The more time I spend answering questions the less time I have to developing new features. For example the 2.x Client/Server should have been released 2 or 3 weeks ago but I've been answering the same questions over and over lately (now that's ranting).

If everyone learned the programs and help support the programs we can move forward alot faster than what we have been doing. In the past 3 months we have released 17 versions with each versions othering alot of new features and ways to debug the code when there is problems.

01-05-2004, 02:30 PM
I would be happy to help out...but couldn't really tell from the posts that the 2.0 version was in a form that would be usable to give you (or me for that matter) any useful info...

If it is, just let me know...and I will give it a try....and I will go back through those posts to see what I can find as well...

Great job on all this stuff....


01-05-2004, 02:36 PM
I need folks to download the 2.x Server and Tester program and verify that it works on all the OS'es. But I'm not to worried about the 2.x stuff right now. I'm trying to get the complete list of Con Colors tested and verified right now.

01-05-2004, 02:39 PM
Bad thing for me is that unlike MOST here...I only have one toon...and it's level 65.....SO...not much help there....

please let me know if there are other things that I could be doing to assist....

01-05-2004, 02:48 PM
As soon as I get 2.x out it will be everyones job to help test it becuase once it is stable there will not be any support/development for the 1.x series.

01-05-2004, 10:29 PM
Really the program is not the difficult to use. I say if someone isn't smart enough to get it running then they aren't smart enough to use it.

The more dumb people using the program the more attn it will draw and those of us that really do care about playing eq will suffer. So stop answering the same old ?'s just cause some dumb noob is too lazy to search for the answer hehe.

I will be glad to help though. I will DL the 2.x stuff tomorrow and try it out.

01-06-2004, 07:54 AM
I'm a dumb person, so I guess I can't use the program.

01-06-2004, 10:07 AM
MYSEQ2, I will definitely help with the testing. I am not that smart with programming, and just got VS6, but I am learning. Your guide on finding offsets helped out greatly in that learning, btw. I will download the 2.x stuff and start running it through the ringer. I have characters from 4 all the way up to 55, so hopefully I will be able to test it out well.

Also, I would like to say that I am sure that I speak for the majority here when I say that we all appreciate your work and that of other developers/helpers here on the MySEQ project. Hopefully when I get more programming skills neath my belt, I will be able to contribute more than I do.

Oh, I have 2000, 98, and xp that I can test it out on. I have ME, but refuse to load that OS back on again.

01-06-2004, 10:07 AM
/em understands the feelings.

Let me just say, as I have several times, that your work is very much appreciated. Really, you should take it as a compliment to all the dev work from everyone that there are really relatively few questions and problems with most of those stemming from someone not RTFM or clicking search.

For my part, I've tried to make it even easier for newbies to use the program realizing the potential danger, but I'm also a Matrix fan. I'll be glad to help test out v2 and point out any problems. If I were a coder, I'd certainly help with the dev also. Maybe I need to learn?

/em bows to MYSEQ2 and all the devs!