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View Full Version : Feature Request

01-13-2004, 08:44 PM
This will be the running list of wanted features.

They will be added here and then removed once they are completed.
1) Dockable alert lists - Like to see the alert list in a floating window mobs/alerts

2) LinkDead/Crash Alert - Audible alert to signify a Client issue

3) Mob Alert - Be able to set diff alerts for diff mobs
mob a plays x wav, mob b plays y wav, etc

4) Search Wav File - Use the File/Open dialog box to add the wav file

5) MP3 - Ability to play mp3 files for alerts

6) TreeView - Collapsable tree/branch spawn list (like windows explorer and ShowEQ).

7) Screen Shots - Allow you to take a screen shot of the map with spawns in .gif format

8) Target Spawn Range Circle - Draw a sizable range circle with heading direction.

9) Aggro Range - Try to figure out a way to find the aggro range of a spawn.

10) Spawn Armour/Weapons - In the next release you will see it, the armour is already done in MySEQTest.

11) XP/Mob - Show XP gained per kill, this is only rough guessing since EQ only gives percentage not actual XPS anymore.

12) DPS - If ShowEQ can do it dang it we can too.

13) PoP Flag - Find a way to show which PoP zones you are flagged on.

14) Keys - List the keys you have on the keyring.

15) Alert File Comment - Change the Alert file comment command to something other than # since # is a legal Spawn name.

01-14-2004, 06:38 AM
I need some screen shots of the latest ShowEQ project so I can get some more ideas of what they have and what we might want to do add in MySEQ. I would like the two to be very simular with functionality.

So here's a way you can help with the project with doing very little work. Take several screenshots of ShowEQ and email them to me at [email protected].

01-14-2004, 07:47 AM
Two things i'd like to mention.

If you didnt already, post a pic request in the seq forums and im sure you'll get a SS quickly.

Can you make a list of the current features of server 2.0 so that people dont request things that are already implimented?


01-14-2004, 08:47 AM
That would require me doing something hehe.

The best way to see the types of data that will be coming is to view the MySEQ 2.0.0 server and the MySEQTester. That shows all the data that will be coming to the new 2.x stuff.

Someone needs to prod me and get me going on the 2.x stuff again.

01-14-2004, 09:27 AM


01-14-2004, 10:46 AM
Consider this my official PROD...

Love what I'm seeing in the v 2.0 stuff so far....

as for things I'd LIKE...


01-15-2004, 06:53 AM

01-15-2004, 10:27 AM
now DAT'S a PROD.....hehehe

01-16-2004, 05:48 PM
Right click mob > add to alert list hunt/caution/rare

01-16-2004, 06:14 PM
Now thats funny, I will consider that being prod'ed

01-21-2004, 01:44 PM
Something else that could be kind of helpful: corpse timers.

If the number isn't stored client side (I don't think it is, can't get corpse time info when you're going linkdead), it should be fairly easy to code - 8 min after death for a < 55 corpse, 30 min for a 55+ corpse.

02-02-2004, 12:47 AM
bug/feature request
load original map files from everquest folder

if i load from everquest maps folder i get following error:
failed to load map .....\Bazaar_1.txt:Index was out of range. Moust be non-negative and less than size of the collection.
Parameter name:index

if i use mappie to optimize map i can see but if i enteer the zone everquest resave the file and i get retry this message

02-02-2004, 01:39 AM
i use 2 everquest in same machine any method for possible to show the maps from second client....

02-03-2004, 02:38 AM
Proximity alert: after drawing a boundary circle or square, there would be an audible warning if something (ground drop, mob, player, all selectable) enters that area.

02-10-2004, 04:40 AM
the first versions up to 1.15 or whatnot I have used were excellent pull tools. The update of the map and the fps of it in full screen made the mob movements fluid. Now with the 2.0 on a 2.6ghz with nothing else running still runs slower, and when you scroll up/down the spawn list it sticks sometimes. When pulling now the mobs jerk on teh map more and seems to lose some of the accuracy if it is fixable at all thanks

02-10-2004, 07:44 AM
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