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View Full Version : PoE rings part deux :/

01-14-2004, 09:42 PM
not sure if this is the right spot to post but i cant find anything on this really

Ive read about the "muddite guy00" "stone guy00" but ive seen them up like allll the time and with 9 ele flagged gujilds and alot i see in PoE quite often its hard to believe that they're always up everytime i check.

Maybe im just lucky and i seem to always check at the right time but ive almost always seen all rings up, or at least 3. So am i incorrect in assuming that if "stone guy00" is up that stone ring is up or is there something else to it?

If this isnt the place to post disreguard or a PM would work too :P

01-14-2004, 09:51 PM
If you see the guys, the ring is down not up... Try checking right after a patch. :)

01-21-2004, 06:23 PM
ok so the only way to notice is if you dont see stone_guy00 up or is there some other way? I noticed a stone_spawn00 earlier today and a stone_reset00 and now its stone_guy00

01-23-2004, 03:24 PM
Only the "guys" are telltale signs of the ring being up or down. The rest are sub-triggers of the ring most likely, or text spammers, which will probably always be up, since you can still do the ring when it's not up, it'll just result in a different named.

02-05-2004, 04:02 AM
If up - ring is down
arbitor guy00 - Arbitor
elem guy00 - Dust ring
muddite guy00 - mud ring
stone guy00 - stone ring
vegerog guy00 - vine ring

Always up:
the creature00
the last00

After a ring is killed there is a mob like
stone reset00

that spawns for something.. not for MA timer though, it was down after we finished 4th ring and MA spawned.