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View Full Version : A problem and a couple of questions

01-21-2004, 06:43 AM
First the problem. This just started to happen. I'm running version 1.15.17 with server 1.11. Everything is working fine, but after running a while the spawn list starts adding blank lines at the top. It starts off with the rares at the top, but as time goes on the blank fields are added at the top.

Now the questions:

Went to SSRA yesterday. MySEQ showed Rhag'Mozdezh000 and Rhag'Mozdezh001. The first spawn I was unable to click on and target as to where it would be. The second one (the one with 001 in the name) I was able to, and it showed race as invisible man and showed him as visible in the text box. None of the trackers in the zone could track him however, from places they have been able to track before. Obviously I don't want folks knowing I'm using the program so we didn't go up and see if he was actually there, so I'm not sure what is up. I know he's a triggered spawn, so was I just seeing the spot he's going to spawn when triggered?

I'm also running the new version and finally got it working. I thought I saw in a thread that mapping was working and wondered if that was just in the version you're testing right now since I'm not seeing any maps. Since there weren't maps in the download I'm assuming that either 1: Maps aren't implemented yet, or 2: I need to copy my maps folder from 1.15.17 over to the new version.

01-21-2004, 07:35 AM
To use 1.15.17 you must use the previous files. When I release versions I only release the source and the program only. Then Xeerex will take the release and add all the stuff for a Self Installer. In the case of 1.15.17 there is no Self Installer so you just take the 1.15.17 and copy it over the 1.15.16 program.

As for Spawn stuff make sure you have the latest offsets.

01-21-2004, 09:33 AM
I have 1.15.17 working fine, offsets are correct, I show maps and everything just fine and spawns are showing correctly. The problem I am having doesn't affect the usability of the program, it's more of an annoyance. Eventually I end up with a whole bunch of blank spots at the beginning of the spawn list. The spawns still show, it just starts adding the blank lines at the front and I have to scroll down to get to the first mob listed.

As for the SSRA issue, I was wondering if a mob listed as Class: Invisible Man is like a trigger and he's not really there which is why the trackers couldn't see him on track. I could see him in the program, and I could click on his name and show a line from me to him, but our bards, druids and rangers couldn't see him on track.

The new test program, MySEQ 2.0 is the one where my maps aren't popping up and wondered if they needed to be copied over from 1.15.17.

Sorry for the confusion and not making it clear what I was asking. Hopefully this clears it up :)

01-21-2004, 10:11 AM
The blank lines is caused from the Server and should be resolved with the new 2.x stuff.

As for the 2.x you can't use the Server 2.0.0 with the 1.15.17 Client and the MySEQTester doesn't show maps at all.

01-21-2004, 12:18 PM
Ahhh ... ok, just wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong with the 2.0 version or not. Actually right now I run both the old and new version at the same time and they run just fine. I'm mainly looking at the mana and how my spells are affected by any gear and such I have on. It's also a good way to see what gives me the most mana gear wise.

Any idea on why I would have seen Rhag2 up but none of the 5 trackers in the zone could track him? Is it as I suspect and that was actually a trigger and not the mob?

01-21-2004, 01:07 PM
The trap is actually named rhag'mozdezh, which is what you're seeing when rhag isn't really up. The real rhag will show up with a # behind the name. You'll see that in a lot of zones, for example Akheva. There's traps named 'The Va'Dyn' and 'The Itraer Vius'.

Either learn where the mobs spawn and just visually check spawnpoints on the map (what I do), or just check if its a visible mob or not.

01-21-2004, 01:09 PM
On a related note - I once had an ex guildmate tell the guild 'I see emp, cursed, rhag 1, rhag2, arch lich, and creator all up!'

We all got a good chuckle out of that one ;)