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View Full Version : Sniffing problem, any thoughts?

02-04-2002, 11:37 AM
I installed RH 7.2 and gcc3 and was able to compile ShowEQ with out any issue. I edited the showeq.conf file and imputed my IP address of my EQ system and changed the other number to 256 because I'm on dial up. ShowEQ comes up with no data in it, I start up EQ on my other computer and still nothing loads into ShowEQ. I can ping the other machine and I can browse the internet from my ShowEQ machine. Other then not having a True Hub is there any other reason that ShowEQ is not pulling in any data?


02-04-2002, 11:39 AM
If your dialing up from your EQ box to the Internet and play EQ that way, then there are never going to be packets placed on your "LAN" for your SEQ box to pick up.

You could always make the LINUX box your dial up and turn it into a NAT box, that way you would send all your IP data through that machine and SEQ could then see the packets.

There are a bunch of posts around here about doing this...

02-04-2002, 12:13 PM
Good point, so I should install the modem into my Linux box and have it dial out, This is my first experiance with Linux would I be better off reinstalling RH 7.2 and having it detect on install or will the adding new hardware proccess be simple enough for a N00b such as myself?


02-04-2002, 03:04 PM
Never done this myself, but there are tons of articles out there that tell you how to setup the NAT... there are even messages posted around here that talk about how to do it. You don't need to re-install RH and SEQ to get the OS to see the modem, just select the port it's on etc.... Unless it's a WinModem, then you'll have the fun of getting it working under Linux...

Either way, what I can tell you is limited since I wouldn't call myself anything close to an expert on Linux....

02-04-2002, 03:12 PM
I found a write up on the internet-druid from the RH site, now I need to find the write ups on NAT and then pull my hair out trying to make it all work =)

Seeya on CT


02-04-2002, 04:23 PM
i know i plug this shit all the time, but if you have a 386+ and 8mb+ of ram just laying around somewhere freesco (http://www.freesco.com) is a very easy, cheap and fast alternative to setting your linux box up as the nat/dial up gateway.

this FLOPPY DISK based linux distro is designed with one goal: router/firewall made at least slightly easy. it does dialup or ethernet, of which i've only messed with ethernet. it may be worth a try for an hour or two, cause i don't know how NAT and dial up are gonna like eachother on a full blown linux box. (ie, dialing auto, blocking dials, etc...)

02-05-2002, 05:49 AM
Thanks for the insight fryfrog, I did find a very good looking firewall/IP Masqueradeing program (Firestarter). I think I'm going to give it a try tonight. If I can't get it to work I'll just throw the modem into one of my P90 machines and set it up as a Win98 gateway.
