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View Full Version : Spawn Point Info question

02-04-2004, 08:34 PM
Hello all...quick question.....I recently discovered the "show spawn points" option on myseq, and finally understand how it works....
As far as i see, you kill some mobs about 2 times, and then it comes up with a little "x" and you can see the countdown till the next spawn....

I also noticed that there is a "spawn timer" window, that seems to show the same information as the cursor does when placed over the "x" and on top of that window is a place to type, and a reset button...

Basically, my question is , how do you get the same info that is listed when you put the cursor over, into that box...

For example... if i am camping a spawn with 5 mobs, and i want to see when each is gonna pop next, how can I get that to be listed on the spawn timer.....

Ok i probably confused all of you! IF you need clarification just respond and ask, and I will do my best to clarify what I am looking to do......

i am using the 1.15.16, because the 17, was very laggy and annoying......

thanks for your help guys!

02-04-2004, 08:38 PM
Post this over on the new site for support.