View Full Version : Bazaar changes for 5.x

02-16-2004, 04:30 PM
I'm totally re-writing my bazaar code for 5.x. The following is how I'm doing it and I just want to pass it in front of other folks in case I'm being stupid:

1. A new sub-class of PacketStreamLog called BazaarPacketLog will handle the heavy lifting
2. A new menu option will be listed with the other logging options for bazaar data.
3. When that option is turned on, a full packet stream log for all OP_BazaarSearch packets will be saved along with decoded item prices and merchant name mappings.

This required changes to the XML prefs, interface.{cpp,h}, packet.cpp and packetlog.{cpp,h}

Does anyone more experienced with the code than I see a pitfall here? This is all untested so far, but it looks right, and I'll be testing it out tonight.

This should satisfy the desire to have an option to control bazaar logging as well as using a more standard format (I was outputting an EQ client eqlog_*.txt format record for each item before).

Unless something major changes, I won't be back-porting this change to 4.x. There's just too much that changed and the back-port would be painful. Sorry 4.x guys... :-/

02-16-2004, 10:09 PM
[... edit ...]

This is is now obsolete (I've done it a very different way), and you should see the new version in the 5.0beta7 or 5.0 release version.

02-17-2004, 09:37 AM
I figured out what I wanted with the relationship between PacketLog and BazaarPacketLog. I needed to add a virtual method to PacketLog and then define it in BazaarPacketLog. I made it fairly generic so that future logging efforts (e.g. logging tribute data) could be done without having to add a new virtual method.

I'll post the changes tonight.

02-20-2004, 08:06 AM
In case you're using this in 5.0beta7, the format of the log is:


Where v is a version ID (1 for now), t is a timestamp in POSIX time_t format, p is the price in copper (divide by 1000 for plat), m is the name of the merchant and n is the name of the item.

I'll be posting a new version of my PDB log parsing and database updating tools soon to cope with this new format.

02-25-2004, 11:17 AM
ETA on the database tools? Still going to release the analysis tools as well?

Still anxiously waiting. =D

02-25-2004, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by Reason
ETA on the database tools? Still going to release the analysis tools as well?

Still anxiously waiting. =D
Keep pestering. I haven't forgotten, but it reminds me that I need to make the time, which is always scarce. I keep finding that there's more work to do to isolate out the stuff specific to my sand-box in order to release this stuff. You would not believe how much work PDB v1.0 was to release.

But, it's all a labor of love, and I want to get it done.

03-13-2004, 05:55 PM
PDB, et al are out, as well as a new tool called equipgoals. See here:



03-20-2004, 05:06 PM
PDB-extra-1.3 seems to be missing the bin directory with associated programs.. or am i just being dense?