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03-18-2004, 02:03 AM
mostly works, but looks like respawns are showing up as unknowns. corpses are poofing etc. is there a minor fix (opcodes change etc) Thanks.

03-18-2004, 07:08 AM
Which version are you using? I'm using the latest beta and have had no problems with it.

In fact there have been 2 patches that didn't seem to modify any opcodes.

03-18-2004, 09:31 AM
I too am using, I haven't seen any problems with unknowns. Although one oddity I have seen, with the new "Fabled" mobs, When you first zone in all the Fabled mobs currently up show up as such in SEQ. When those mobs are killed and the respawn happens to the Fabled version, SEQ does not display them as Fabled.

Oops, looks like this has already been talked about here (http://seq.sourceforge.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4762).

03-19-2004, 02:49 PM
I guess it has something to do with 2 account using EQw. dunno whats the easiest way to very the version in SEQ?

03-19-2004, 02:58 PM
ignore post, I am just gonna reload and compile using the homepaeg info. Easiest way to make sure i have the lastest and greatest version.

03-19-2004, 08:02 PM
Since it uses IP address to know which client it is talking about -- if two clients are on the same IP, I think it will confuse it with no way to differinciate between them.

03-19-2004, 09:17 PM
Which is why SEQ has a feature called Session Tracking and it has been in there for quite some time (namely since EQW has been out). If you run two or more EQ instances on one system, turn that feature on and boom, far fewer issues.

03-29-2004, 08:56 AM
I think there is a problem with Session Tracking in SEQ5 beta 7. For me there is anyway. My 2nd PC died and I lack the funds to fix it so I am trying EQW for my hydraing needs. I have two SEQ launchers on my desktop that each start SEQ with a seperate config file for each session. Both sessions are pointing to the same IP address and I have Session Tracking enabled on both. I log in like this: Start SEQ for account 1, log in char on account 1. Start SEQ for account 2, log in char on account 2. Everything usually works fine until I need to zone. Usually, both SEQ sessions will start decoding the EQ client that zones first whichever one it is. Somtimes the console window will become flooded with "Your player id is xxxx" messages that rotate between two differant id's. I am assuming that SEQ is decoding packets for both characters and is flipping which id it is monitoring since I can move one char and watch his icon jump back and forth between him and the other one standing still.

Is anyone else using EQW and getting SEQ5 to monitor more than one session correctly? I may try to compile the latest SEQ4.x tonight and see if it works.

03-29-2004, 09:17 AM
You'll have to make a habbit of zoning your characters one at a time. The data SEQ uses to determine one session from another changes everytime you zone. There is no way for SEQ to automatically know which session is which when you finish zoning.

03-29-2004, 09:50 AM
That works fine when it is a PoK book or a zone line, but ports are a different matter. And the fact that both SEQ sessions end up monitoring the same EQ client leads me to think that Session Tracking isn't working in beta 7. I thought Session Tracking was meant to allow SEQ to monitor more than one EQ client and "lock on to" that session and ignore data from any other clients; same IP address or not. Perhaps my understanding of the option is what's broken then.

03-29-2004, 01:26 PM
it does "Lock on" but when both characters zone (or in the process of zoning) at the same time SEQ has no way of knowing which session is which when they finish zoning.

The data SEQ uses to "Lock on" changes durring the Zone process. so which ever client zones first, both of your SEQ session will assume that was the session it was tracking.

03-30-2004, 10:03 AM
I compiled 4.3.21 last night just to see if it made any difference. I am sure you can guess the answer by now.....no it did not.

So, it seems the option is working as it should, but not as I want it to lol.

Thanks for the info S_B_R.

03-31-2004, 02:30 AM
what I do is logging both toons into eq, then activate "Session Tracking", then activate "monitor next EQ Session Seen" then zone the one character I want to monitor, this way it works perfectly

03-31-2004, 10:09 AM
Exactly, but a_corpse_02 is running 2 sessions of SEQ....

04-01-2004, 02:49 PM
I assume that there is some sort of connection information that since zoning changes the physical server you are attached to (potentially) that that info changes. I would also assume that after zoning is complete that this identifer is static or in some consistant updating sequence. So if you can identify a session in this manner why not add an aditional feild to seperate simultanous zoning. Let seq be confused until it sees the first playerinfo packet and use the player name as a secondary source of tracking. After the player packet is recived discard the other sequence and resync with the data that was built up. I'm pretty sure the player packet comes over early in the zonig sequence so there shouldn't have to be much queueing involved.

And yes I realize that this is probably eaiser said than done and is only existant for a small portion of the population, but it might cause a reduction in problems later.

04-01-2004, 06:38 PM
Sounds like you want to volunteer to help Zaphod out with this portion of SEQ. I'm sure he would appreciate it since he does have a pretty full plate as it is, heheh.

04-02-2004, 08:38 AM
Heh... like I didn't see that one comming :) He probably wouldn't appricate my help... I'd probably drive him nuts asking questions trying to understand the code.

And I really have no intrest myself, was more of just a off hand suggestion. I only have 2 accounts and 3 computers that can play the game... If I need 2 seqs this won't be my problem.