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03-24-2004, 11:23 AM
I read the FAQ for SEQ, and it doesnt look to be updated since late 2003.

Last I was around, Verant had claimed to have broken SEQ for good.

Can someone link me to info on its current functionality? I fired up my acount last night and was already missing SEQ :)


03-24-2004, 12:55 PM
It works like the good old SEQ without any tool running on the EQ Pc .. just download fom CVS or Tarball compile and enjoy ;)

03-24-2004, 12:56 PM
Yep it's broken forever, nothing you can do... Have a nice day. ;)

03-24-2004, 03:25 PM
Excellent :)

I havent touched EQ in ages, might be fun to get back into it witht his new free month deal Sony is offering. I wonder how many expansions I am missing! hehe

03-24-2004, 03:32 PM
Currently a bit wonky with the newest patch. I get zone decode just fine at first, but new spawns show up as unknown. Also the guilds file isn't getting updated. There are probably a few more issues, but I haven't played much. I'm sure Zaphod will have an update for us soon though, he always does. :-)

As for the FAQ, I haven't updated it in a while because the login and password for the host site have been lost/reset/God knows what. Ratt set up a nice new system but it will involve a ton of rewriting or at least copy/pasting and I just haven't had both the time and dedication at the same time to do it yet. Meanwhile, the existing version is fairly accurate - just ignore everything about key sniffers and such, as that doesn't apply anymore. As LordCrush said, just download, compile, and go. Make sure you have up to date versions of gcc and qt and you'll have no problems.

03-24-2004, 03:51 PM
easy enough! It'll give me a good reason to go digging into my linux box again.

Are the base requirements still the same? I was using a pentium 300 last time i ran it, and it did the job wonderfully.

03-24-2004, 10:16 PM
Up and running! Thanks for the info gang :)

Now to figure out Filters. It doesnt appear to be the same as when Ilast used it. I tossed a quesiton up on the Filters forum.
