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View Full Version : Running ShowEQ Made Me Disappear in Game.

02-08-2002, 03:25 PM
Weirdest thing just happened. I'm standing in Dawnshroud, I run showeq. No one can see me, as if Im invis, but im not. I can't see anyone else. I turn showeq off and I reappear in game. Something seems off...

Anyone else have this happen?


02-08-2002, 04:09 PM
This is unrelated to ShowEQ. ShowEQ is passive, it introduces no packets onto the network, and therefore could not affect anything on your machine, or in game.


02-08-2002, 04:15 PM
have you tried more than just that one time in DS? If you haven't I'd have to say it was a fluke. since ShowEQ is passive and only listens to packets, and in no way does it alter packets it's listening too...

If this happens every time you run showEQ I would check and see if your Linux box and your EQ box are using the same IP address. I've seen some weird things happen to IP traffic when a windows Box and a Linux Box are sharing an IP. Normally the windows box will detect that there is another machine using it's IP but when that other machine is a unix box it doesn't always detect it...

The other thing I guess it could be is, if your ShowEQ box is also your Firewall/router. in this case maybe it's Mangling the packets some how...

Either way it's not ShowEQ that's causing your problem. It's either nothing and that was just a Lag induced fluke, or it's a configuration problem on your network...

I would be surprised if it wasn't just a fluke.... :D

02-08-2002, 04:18 PM
I hear ya Jeeves. However the fact remains, I was visible -- as was everyone else. I launched ShowEQ --- Poof. I was like WTF, closed it and there I was again. Perhaps was not ShowEQ itself, but something on this box cause me to poof when I ran it. I figured I would I get the old - "impossible" explination. I know what I saw though. Was running AIM, Firestarter and then launched ShowEQ. Perhaps it had to do with the firewall?

Thanks for the response BTW.


02-08-2002, 04:23 PM
Thanks SBR -

Win box has IP assigned to it with - eth0 on linux is DHCP and eth1 is I was just concerned that whatever happened may lead to my using SEQ being detected. Anyway, I'm out of my league posting here, just thought I would pass this on in case someone uses the search function because they have the same problem *cough Jeeves*. ;)


02-08-2002, 04:40 PM
This happens to me every time I get major packet loss, I disappear to others and they disappear to me. I'm not saying that this was the case unless you weren't looking at your lagometer or had pressed F11 without knowing it. But, I do know that SEQ had nothing to do with it, it was coincedence.

02-14-2002, 06:24 AM
well............... If your loading ShowEQ on your firewall and its a slow box, your internet connection will slow down.. Thus lagging you into thinking you were gone..
