View Full Version : SEQ. VMWare, Steam and You...

06-16-2004, 02:05 PM
Well...i did a lil bastard thing with SEQ....insted of having 2 boxes and VNCing into my linux box. I got the bright idea to install VMWare on it and crated a virutal RH 9 box in it...and finally got SEQ working...so I can look at SEQ and EQ at the same time, with out havint to tilt my head more then 45 degrees to look at another screen, Woohoo!

Now where it gets intersting is by doing this...it seems to be sniffing the traffic involved with Valves STEAM application for their Half life series games....sence they patched EQ today I was all like...'great, its broken!' cause it spammed abunch of crc32 errors in the terminal window...but booted up EQ, SEQ did its VooDoo and worked like awsome magic that it does. (Thank you Dev's!)

So I looked through my system to see what else I could be running that uses out bound internet traffic constantly...(AIM..ICQ ect ect) and tried shutting them all on and off to see if it would correct the error. Till i came to Steam, which when I logged out of the service, the error spamming promptly stopped.

Not that this is relevant in any way shape or form, I just thought it was something...interisting that SEQ would pick this up... anyhow.

Here is the error report.

Info: Loaded 9685 message strings from '/usr/local/share/showeq/eqstr_us.txt' maxFormat=45222
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq 64b9 len 73 crc32 (48138bfc != 3882887f)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq 64b9 len 217 crc32 (e7cbae8a != 45f77590)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq ffff len 12 crc32 (696c7300 != 74417b5c)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq ffff len 12 crc32 (696c7300 != 74417b5c)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq d965 len 769 crc32 (4be6dbc5 != 595bb85e)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq ffff len 111 crc32 (00010100 != f77a022e)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq ffff len 157 crc32 (00000000 != 590ba7bf)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq 4220 len 17 crc32 (0ca1bf2c != f1fe7954)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq d965 len 17 crc32 (51088629 != cc8bbb2b)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq d965 len 105 crc32 (9234c7c4 != e124d2cf)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq d965 len 209 crc32 (9234c7c4 != 3c277503)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq d965 len 33 crc32 (9234c7c4 != a764c8fc)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq d965 len 113 crc32 (83c83a61 != b2c720d3)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq d965 len 17 crc32 (18e24ba0 != 61b3e0dc)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq d965 len 161 crc32 (9234c7c4 != d8d0b771)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq d965 len 17 crc32 (21a820d6 != 7e84696f)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq d965 len 33 crc32 (9234c7c4 != d8d386f4)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq 2efd len 17 crc32 (4418d09a != b4d288ea)

Again, I'd like to give a whole hearted 'Thank You!" to all the Dev's out there, and Ratt, for making SEQ possable, and gave me a better EQ Experience.

And dstanzler for his awsome noob walk through for RH9 installs...considering the last loadout I did was when SEQ ran on RH 7.2...alots changed.

And of course Blueadept, who thoughout my SEQ experience has provided me with a boatload of help with maps and filters...

Thank you all for your contrabution to this cause... Is there a way to provide SEQ with donations for further developmets? If so count me in.

06-16-2004, 03:54 PM
I run linux on an old P2 400 and I noticed the same thing you reported. While I log out and close Steam when I'm not using it, if I make the mistake of connecting to a counterstrike server and leaving showeq on it tries endlessly to decode the data and the program becomes completely unresponsive, even hours after disconnecting. I havent bothered to figure out a way to kill a process in RH9, so I just log out of X to force it to close.

There could probably be a showeq type program for any of the steam games but I doubt it would be very useful because of the attention that CS and other games require. ;) The split second it takes to glance at the other screen could very well get you killed.

06-16-2004, 04:32 PM
Well i actually sat there and looked at it...atleast it shows me WHAT steam is doing....

This section is my PC talking to the steam server and authinticating.

Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq 64b9 len 73 crc32 (48138bfc != 3882887f)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq 64b9 len 217 crc32 (e7cbae8a != 45f77590)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq ffff len 12 crc32 (696c7300 != 74417b5c)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq ffff len 12 crc32 (696c7300 != 74417b5c)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq d965 len 769 crc32 (4be6dbc5 != 595bb85e)

Then this is it indexing 'my favorite' servers
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq ffff len 111 crc32 (00010100 != f77a022e)
Warning: INVALID PACKET: Bad CRC32 [ ->] seq ffff len 157 crc32 (00000000 != 590ba7bf)
(my clan servers, NS and CS...if anyone plays :) )

and then it seems to go back talking back and forth to the steam server...when I close steam tho. It does end the chatter

06-17-2004, 12:07 AM
Seq tends to parse any streams that go by, try having someone sharing files on the net work, and watch the spam it causes. Could seq be adapted to Steam, probably, with the way the beta is being made more modular. You would have to figure out Steams encryption though, and what data is sent in which packets, what info is interesting vs what is just the bmps of someones spray paint.

Though, I like the idea of running it on VM. wonder if there would be a way to do a transparancy overlay, so you could see the shadow of seq like a floating map system. Might get borring on raids, but the eye candy appeal would be worth a look.

06-17-2004, 12:22 AM
You're making the solution way too complicated.

SEQ only really needs to know how to decode EQ traffic. The rest can be filtered with Session Tracking or (and this is probably a hack to SEQ itself) get SEQ to create a pcap filter that makes it only look for traffic going to/from the EQ IP Address range.

06-17-2004, 12:27 AM
I like elfs idea of making VMWare transparent...that would be nice, and interisting....hmmmmm...its time to talk to Hawk on some new code!