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View Full Version : How to fix ShowEQ 5.x: what do those errors mean? (preview/work in progress)

07-15-2004, 08:37 PM
Error messages and what they mean

Here are a few examples I pulled out of the forum archives of real error messages people encountered and what they mean.

size > left

Warning: error on zone-client: size > left (size=81, left=4, opcode=0x022f)

This error is the result of an implicit length opcode that was changed. ShowEQ thought that opcode 0x022f

dataLen != sizeof

WARNING: OP_InspectAnswer (0248) (dataLen:8 != sizeof(inspectDataStruct):1792)!
The dataLen (8) is nowhere even close to the struct size (1792). This is a clear indication that the opcode and the struct don't belong to each other anymore.

WARNING: OP_ClientUpdate (0027) (datalen: 48295 != sizeof(playerSpawnPosStruct):18 or sizeof (playerSpawnSelfStruct):30)
In this case, ShowEQ knows that OP_ClientUpdate can use either playerSpawnPosStruct or playerSpawnSelfStruct. However, the datalen doesn't match either of those structs. Like the previous example, the opcode has changed.

WARNING: OP_NewSpawn (021b) (dataLen:291 != sizeof(newSpawnStruct):267)!
This dataLen is only slightly larger than the newSpawnStruct, chances are that the opcode is correct but the struct has increased in size.

WARNING: OP_SpawnDoor (291) (dataLen: 59232) doesn't match: modulus of sizeof(doorStruct):64
Some opcodes contain an array of structs. In this example, ShowEQ is expecting an array of doorStruct which has a length of 64 bytes. The dataLen is not divisible by the struct size. In this case the opcode was off, but it can be difficult to tell sometimes with these type of errors.