View Full Version : Need an opcode confirmed

07-18-2004, 02:08 AM
The opcode in question is sent to the client on a successful pick lock or disarm traps attempt.

07-19-2004, 03:29 AM
Killing me..... Why do you need this? I will see about trying this sometime tomorrow for you.

07-19-2004, 07:43 AM
I don't have an active everquest account and I'm working on a disassembly of the opcode processor in eqgame.exe. Pick lock / disarm traps is one of the first opcodes that I identified and I want to make sure I've got everything up to that point figured out.

...... ! loc_opcode_dispatch2:
...... ! mov ecx, [?data_83f59c]
449187 ! call sub_mov_eax__ecx_2d00h_
44918c ! test eax, eax
44918e ! jz loc_opcode_done
449194 ! ; edx = opcode
...... ! mov edx, [ebp+0ch]
449197 ! mov eax, 180h
44919c ! ; op - 180h
...... ! cmp edx, eax
44919e ! ja loc_44a069
4491a4 ! jz loc_op_pick_lock_disarm_trap_success

44a021 !
...... ! loc_op_pick_lock_disarm_trap_success:
...... ! mov esi, [esi]
44a023 ! cmp esi, 11h
44a026 ! jz loc_44a05a
44a028 ! cmp esi, 23h
44a02b ! jnz loc_opcode_done
44a031 ! push 1
44a033 ! push 10eh
44a038 ! push ebx
44a039 ! ; 1457 You successfully picked the lock.
...... ! push 5b1h
44a03e !
...... ! loc_44a03e:
...... ! mov ecx, [?data_83f528]
44a044 ! call sub_get_eqstr
44a049 !
...... ! loc_44a049:
...... ! push eax
44a04a !
...... ! loc_44a04a:
...... ! mov ecx, [data_pinstCEverQuest]
44a050 ! call sub_dsp_chat
44a055 ! jmp loc_opcode_done
44a05a !
...... ! loc_44a05a:
...... ! push 1
44a05c ! push 10eh
44a061 ! push ebx
44a062 ! ; 1458 You successfully disarmed the trap.
...... ! push 5b2h
44a067 ! jmp loc_44a03e

07-20-2004, 03:31 PM
I have an active account with a rogue, if I can help out with this let me know. I don't know much about the opcode system, but I can learn fast.