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View Full Version : ShowEQ site will be slow for the next day or two

07-20-2004, 10:58 AM
The ShowEQ site may be a little slow on page response for the next day or two while the new domain propegates.

Currently, I'm accessing the SEQ database remotely to provide a seemly transition to a new host - so the db response time is drastically reduced. Things will pick up again after I've given time for the domain to propegate.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

07-22-2004, 10:32 AM
The slowness should be finished now.

We are running off the local database and have moved to a new host. Let me know if you encounter any problems.

07-23-2004, 06:46 AM
Would this be a error you need to know about?
cvs [login aborted]: connect to cvs.seq.sourceforge.net( failed: Connection timed out

07-23-2004, 06:49 AM
Bah, disregard my post. :)

08-09-2004, 04:29 PM
Thats BS Ratt, Baboons won't wear party hats! :D