View Full Version : Anyone have any updates for the opcodes? Some problems I have noticed since the patch

08-16-2004, 10:44 AM
I am not sure if it is happening to anyone else, but here is what I have noticed since the patch

- my initial spell effects list does not load when I log on or zone. Once I have spells cast on me, then it keeps track of them, even when I zone, but the list is not updating at all on zoning - so the spell timers are just based on what it was from the start, not discounting for zoning time

- my filters no longer load. Prior to the patch, showeq grabbed my filter files from the .showeq directory in my home dir. Now they are no longer loading (I believe someone has just started a thread with something to do with the case being changed to upper somehow...?)

- (Long term problem) Whenever I do a search in the Bazaar I get an opcode size error - Warning: OP_BazaarSearch (0x1e7) (datalen: 20) doesn't match: modulus of sizeof(bazaarSearchResponseStruct):88

- The maps are back to loading AFTER the zone loads, whereas before the patch, the map was always loaded first, then the mobs. I believe this behavior has occured before, it just so happens showeq loads the map twice (I think) so that it is catching it on the second check. I notice now I am getting a:

Checked for all variants of 'unk_zone_10754.map', 'unk_zone_10754.txt', and 'unk_zone_10574_1.txt' in directories .... message on first zoning in

Ok, that is it for now.. :)

[edited to add error message text]