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View Full Version : Teamspeak and other VoIP

Tor K'tal
08-16-2004, 11:11 AM
I know someone has put some leg work in on getting SEQ to throw away teamspeak packets, Do you have a diff or something of the like I could use to make my SEQ do that?

Second, could it be a built in setting in SEQ? say a little dialog box that allows you to set the port(s) you need to ignore for your voice chat (Voice over IP) application? Teamspeak uses 8767 UDP and Roger Wilco use 3782 (not like anyone uses Roger Wilco anymore) and I am sure there are others out there as well which is why I think it should be configurable, also those applications generally allow their port to be configured as well. (What happened to Battlefield Communicator after MS bought them?, does anyone know?)

~ TK

Tor K'tal
08-16-2004, 12:05 PM
I found the other thread (http://www.showeq.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4876) related to this topic.

Seeing what changes need to be made, I'm wondering how difficult it would be to impliment this as a configurable feature, and would it be able to handle ignoring multiple ports easily.

~ TK