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View Full Version : docking Issues in Beta

08-21-2004, 10:29 PM
Does anyone else have problems with the docking of the windows on the Beta versions of ShowEQ?

I have all type of Issues where I can not get panes to dock then when I get them just the way I like it one will move and it's like one of those slide Puzzles to get it all back together again. Am I doing something wrong? or is there some way to turn it off so it works like the 4.x vers?

I am running a self hacked version of the last 4.x because of this issue.


08-21-2004, 11:31 PM
lol yeah I can't dock the windows the way i want at all. If they get messed up I just start with defaults and fix it from there again.

I always attributed it to my own impatience though, didn't really remember the 4.xxx being different.

08-21-2004, 11:56 PM
4.x used some hardcoded placings and a weird docking method. 5.x uses the QT docking features. I sometimes accidentally move them when shifting the mouse around (touchpad), but since I have the positions saved, I can recover them by just restarting SEQ. I use a lot of the windows undocked (chat, map, etc...), so doesn't happen often....

08-22-2004, 08:02 AM
Yea I have the docking issues. Even with it saved, if I mess it up and restore it, it is never right.

That is why Im still using the 4.x version.

08-22-2004, 10:06 AM
I am glad I am not alone on this one then, Main reason I was asking is I think I somhow got a type in my last "Fix" of 4.x and I get unknowns now and then.