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08-23-2004, 12:54 PM
i get a compiler error when i run make

point.h: In member function `QRect Point3DArray<_T>::boundingRect() const':
point.h:340: error: there are no arguments to `isEmpty' that depend on a templat
e parameter, so a declaration of `isEmpty' must be available
point.h:340: error: (if you use `-fpermissive', G++ will accept your code, but a
llowing the use of an undeclared name is deprecated)
point.h:343: error: there are no arguments to `data' that depend on a template p
arameter, so a declaration of `data' must be available
point.h:351: error: there are no arguments to `size' that depend on a template p
arameter, so a declaration of `size' must be available
point.h: In member function `bool Point3DArray<_T>::setPoints(uint32_t, const _T
point.h:397: error: there are no arguments to `resize' that depend on a template
parameter, so a declaration of `resize' must be available
point.h: In member function `bool Point3DArray<_T>::setPoints(uint32_t, _T, _T,
_T, ...)':
point.h:412: error: there are no arguments to `resize' that depend on a template
parameter, so a declaration of `resize' must be available
point.h: In member function `bool Point3DArray<_T>::putPoints(uint32_t, uint32_t
, const _T*)':
point.h:442: error: there are no arguments to `size' that depend on a template p
arameter, so a declaration of `size' must be available
point.h:443: error: there are no arguments to `resize' that depend on a template
parameter, so a declaration of `resize' must be available
point.h: In member function `bool Point3DArray<_T>::putPoints(uint32_t, uint32_t
, _T, _T, _T, ...)':
point.h:458: error: there are no arguments to `size' that depend on a template p
arameter, so a declaration of `size' must be available
point.h:459: error: there are no arguments to `resize' that depend on a template
parameter, so a declaration of `resize' must be available
point.h: In member function `QPointArray Point3DArray<_T>::getQPointArray()':
point.h:490: error: there are no arguments to `size' that depend on a template p
arameter, so a declaration of `size' must be available
point.h:493: error: there are no arguments to `size' that depend on a template p
arameter, so a declaration of `size' must be available
point.h:494: error: invalid use of undefined type `struct QPointArray'

i am running suse 9.1, i remember fixing this problem before, but i dont remember how. i remember that it was a missing header file from point.h, a standard c one, but im having a brain fart and i cant remember nor can i find it anywhere, so if someone could point me in the right direction, it would be appreciated. Thanks.

08-26-2004, 01:12 PM
I had this same issue. I was using gcc-3.4.3 and I think it's too new. I've back tracked to gcc-3.2.3, and it compiles and runs.

08-26-2004, 03:46 PM
Something to do with the strings library I think.... I believe we saw this before where in some versions of the compilers it implicitly included certain libraries while in others you may have needed to declare them explicitly for some reason. Maybe the newer version of the compiler had different settings or something....

09-21-2004, 08:58 AM
I am also getting this error message. I am running gentoo unstable (~x86) and it uses gcc-3.4. I've used gcc-config to switch back to 3.3 and am currently compiling. Any idea on making it work with gcc 3.4?

09-21-2004, 10:41 AM
gcc 3.4.x radically changed aspects of gcc's C++ handling. I believe my next CVS commit should shut it up...

Zaphod (dohpaZ)

09-24-2004, 06:20 PM
The issues with gcc 3.4.x have all been resolved in ShowEQ

Zaphod (dohpaZ)

09-26-2004, 09:45 PM
great .... AFTER i f*** up my compiler ....... ;) .... Thanks for the fix

09-27-2004, 12:12 AM
That's life on the bleeding edge.... ;)

Zaphod (dohpaZ)