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View Full Version : Autoconf and Mandrake 9.1

09-20-2004, 10:24 AM
Apologies in advance if this has been asked before. I have used the search option numerous times and have spent the last few hours trawling Google for an answer to this question with no luck.

I run Mandrake 9.1 and according to the new tarball for seq i need to have Autoconf 2.45? or higher. My current installation is 2.13 and I have not managed to find an upgrade for this that is compatible with mandrake 9.1 anywhere.

Id be more happy for someone to call me an idiot as long as they post a link for a download for this. Im beginning to think that im gonna have to change my OS as its looking like Mandrake 9.1 wont support the new version.

Im a Linux newb sadly so if anyone has any ways around this problem please use small words and big letters :)


09-20-2004, 02:05 PM
Many versions of Linux, including I believe Mandrake 9.1 and 9.2 come with multiple versions of autoconf installed, typically a 2.13 and a 2.5x flavor. On Mandrake or other RPM based system try the following from the command line:
rpm -q -a |grep autoconf. For a more distro nuetral command, you may also try the command:
find /usr/bin -name 'autoconf*' -print.

If you find you indeed need to install a new autoconf version you can probably find an RPM on Mandrakes web site (http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en/9.1/features/15.php3) or possibly on RPM Find (http://www.rpmfind.net/).

Zaphod (dohpaZ)

09-21-2004, 02:19 AM
Hello and thanks for that.

I did a search in the directories and found 2.13 only and one that was just listed as autoconf with no version number. When I try running this it just says bad version.

I had a look at RPM site and all the downloads, about 7 of them listed as Mandrake are all different versions of 2.13. Ive tried downloading a few different ones of these but it tells me all the files are already installed.

Tried deleting it using uninstall command from root so i could do a fresh install and it tells me autoconf is a critical program and wont let me do it.

Mandrake themselves seem to offer a lot of downloads but still only 2.13 for autoconf. I think I may end up downloading Mandrake 10 but I have a feeling at this stage that things will go very wrong for me as I really wouldnt know where to start. Still...I guess i cant break it more than it already is :)

09-21-2004, 07:45 AM
Here is the package I installed for 10.0, should work just fine with 9.1



09-21-2004, 03:17 PM
Well. I managed to locate a nice download but im convinced now ive cocked up something i shouldnt have. So...

Reinstalled full install of Mandrake 9.1 from my discs. Used auto upgrade option and downloaded a further 500meg of patches.

Then...got my updated Autoconf file.

Followed instructions and heres what i got..

[root@my showeq]# make -f Makefile.dist
Adding libtool support...................................... done!
Generating aclocal.m4 from configure.in and acinclude.m4.... done!

Checking Autoheader version................................. done!
>> Using Autoheader version................................. 2.13!

Generating configure template (config.h).................... done!
Generating Makefile.in from Makefile.am.....................make[1]: *** [no-backup] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

Hmmm. Any ideas folks?

09-22-2004, 01:08 AM
i get that one too about no backup, using gentoo 2004.2 but if i rerun the "make -f Makefile.dist" command it works just fine and the following SEQ install works just fine.

09-22-2004, 10:15 AM
I was also having a problem with autoconf 2.54 and Mandrake 9.2 (and I kicked myself when I figured out what I did wrong).

Download autoconf 2.59 from here (after minimal searching I didn't find an RPM for Mandrake that would work so I went with the compile option):


the first step in compiling autoconf is usually just

%> ./configure

this installs autoconf by default into /usr/local (this is not correct for Mandrake)

instead, type this

%> ./configure --prefix=/usr

The new SEQ compiled and ran like a charm after this (I downloaded a new tarball since I had mucked up the old src directory messing around with stuff). Told you I kicked myself when I figured out what I did wrong.

09-23-2004, 01:05 PM
Well short of throwing this bloody thing out of the window i dont know what to do.

Tried using mv and copy commands in various formats to move tarball of autoconf to the right directory to install it in the right place....this didnt work. Seemed intent on creating new directories rather than moving the file to the existing directories I was trying to move them to. ARGH.

Tried downloading new tarballs to correct directory....aha! finally i think some success. NO SUCH LUCK. Download looks fine...go into shell...look in directory... no tarball.
Ok not funny...find command...no tarball. Definately not funny.

Try commands as suggested above. ./configure doesnt do anything in any directory. Makefile is still giving me the same error as above. Had a look on the net and found that makefile.in is put together by automake(?) so i download a new version of that and install it just in case....makes no difference whatsoever.

I admit defeat. Im a noob and know nothing about linux at all. At the same time i think my PC has it in for me. Im following simple commands that are posted all over the internet and the computer seems to be just sitting there laughing at my noobiness.

Maybe i just need to give up on mandrake and go for something else. The machine im running is a pent 3 550 with 512ram and a 4.5gb HD. Can anyone suggest a different operating system that I can try and also talk me through where I can get download a startup disk from that will boot and install over the net if possible.

Many thanks in advance.

09-23-2004, 01:34 PM
Well, for now wait until my next release later today. autoconf/automake/libtoolize/autoheader/aclocal will no longer be a problem for the rank and file users of ShowEQ...

Zaphod (dohpaZ)

09-23-2004, 01:49 PM
Well short of throwing this bloody thing out of the window i dont know what to do.

This is not meant to be a troll, please do not take it as such.

If you install debian testing or debian unstable:

I promise you
apt-get install showeq
Will work.

If you really want to compile it from source for debian, let me know and I'll post a HOWTO on it.

09-24-2004, 06:17 PM
Well, as of ShowEQ- you no longer need autoconf to compile. Just grab the tarball or other platform specific package and go nuts.

Zaphod (dohpaZ)

P.S. We are trying to make it easier on us all... ;)