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View Full Version : Retarded Hotkey...

10-02-2004, 03:00 AM
Due to mouse movement stuttering badly after I've been running EQ and MySEQ on the same comp for many hours, I always wanted a hotkey that could hit the "Stop" button. Well, I'm retarded when it comes to C#, and am just editing in notepad/wordpad, so had to work with what I could figure out.

In frmMain.cs I found

// mnuSep1
this.mnuSep1.Index = 2;
this.mnuSep1.Text = "-";

and changed it to

// mnuSep1
this.mnuSep1.Index = 2;
this.mnuSep1.Text = "-";
this.mnuSep1.Shortcut = System.Windows.Forms.Shortcut.Ctrl0;
this.mnuSep1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.mnuKludge_Click);

then added the following farther down

private void mnuKludge_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
cmdCommand_Click(sender, e);

so that Ctrl+0 would click the "GO"/"Stop" button for me. Probably a stupid way to do it, but I wasn't having luck directly applying a shortcut to the button.

If you could add this, or add it properly (hotkey assigned directly to the button) to the next release, it'd be neat. ^_^

Old No Name

10-04-2004, 02:54 AM
I'll have a look what i can do.

Some people wanted the ability to pause the updates as well.