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View Full Version : EQ2 - map functions

11-13-2004, 08:49 AM
Is anyone working on eq2? Even just a cartography system that works better than the one built into the game would be cool. I think that the setup is similar to eq1 - your zone info is populated when you arrive by all of the npc's and such.. then updated when your in visual range...

I know that the developers are probably still playing the game themselves, but when they start work on eq2, can they post something to that effect? Or will they get bombarded with 'when are ya gonna be done?' type questions?


PS: dont know anything about C or Linux.. just a newb! So sorry in advance if I offended anyone)

11-13-2004, 03:23 PM
;) How old is EQ2 ... just a thought 8)

11-14-2004, 09:56 AM
Come on, it's been out for at leat a couple of days now :)

Shouldn't you have a new SEQII for it yet? :)

/em Smacks himself

11-14-2004, 02:27 PM
Ok lets fan the flames and start the SEQ2 rumor mill.

Ive already made a MySEQ2. I programmed it in Ada. Currently it shows the position of every mob in EQ2, shows the loot table of each mob, shows time remaining for the rares, shows the position of every player in the game, shows every GMs position with a big flashing circle. Not only that, I took it one step further. I made it track the GMs real life position using Global Satellite Positioning! Just for the hell of it, I also made it track Brad Quaids movements.

Warning: this program is traceable and bannable. I have yet to defeat the Sony anti-seq code. When you run this program and play EQ2, it makes your toon run around in circles really fast and makes him yell "I am a NOOBIE! Phear Me!". Aside from that, it works perfectly.

I am posting the source to it below. If anyone wants to add to it or change it, feel free to do so. I just ask that you NOT sell it. I have included a nasty virus in it that detects when someone tries to sell it. It will not only destroy your hard drive, it will also kill your first born child. Enjoy.

with Text_To; use Text_To
procedure noobie is
put("I am a NOOBIE! Phear Me!");
end noobie

Sorry, I have a cold and am bored. Decided to do something creative to bring this place back to life.

11-15-2004, 01:46 AM
:eek: BA :D

11-15-2004, 07:00 AM
You know, I actually think that is Ada...

11-15-2004, 08:30 AM
Actually it is Ada and should work if compiled.

In college I took basic, cobol, fortran, pascal, assembly, but on my own I learned some Ada and C. I havent used any of it in 17 years though.

11-15-2004, 11:42 AM
Never heard of Ada - is that an older no-longer-used language? (17 years ago, I was still in Jr. High, not even knowing that "C" is a language yet; but I knew BASIC :) )

11-15-2004, 01:55 PM
When I was in the Air Force we had to learn Ada. It was supposed to be the "official" programming language for the military. No one ever used it though.

11-15-2004, 02:12 PM
Yea it was supposed to be "THE" language to learn. Supposedly everything was going to be written in it.

Ended up being another dead language like fortran and pascal.

11-17-2004, 09:57 AM
Ive already made a MySEQ2.Plz plz email me a copy!

P.S. :D

11-17-2004, 10:05 AM
Sadly, Ada still lives on, zombie-like, eating brains and rampaging about in certain areas... mostly military though.

11-27-2004, 11:45 AM
OK, I decided to give this a try. So I built the code, and with great anticipation I logged in to EQ2. But all it did was make my character run around in circles and yell "I am a NOOBIE! Phear Me!".

What did I do wrong?

11-28-2004, 03:37 PM
OK, I decided to give this a try. So I built the code, and with great anticipation I logged in to EQ2. But all it did was make my character run around in circles and yell "I am a NOOBIE! Phear Me!".

What did I do wrong?


But i would like to get this back to more serious ;)

I have played EQ2 now about 2 weeks and the ingame mapping sucks really ... i would really love to see a *only* ;) gps SEQ2 that makes it possible to build own maps ( If it can show more .. ill surely will not complain :D ).

Badly my own coding skills are too much limited to little patching or barly understandig the code (if ever 8) ), than to write that my own ...


-- LC

11-28-2004, 08:40 PM
I'd love to have a look at it, but alas the local walmart carries neither EQ2 or Wow. I'll probably order the pair tomorrow when I get to work just to give them both a play, I've heard they're both pretty fun so far anyway.

11-29-2004, 10:23 AM
You can download the WoW client from Fileplanet - It's the beta connector but patches to retail.

I can host an EQ2 rip of the DVD version for an admin to download and host for the community, PM me if this would help any.

11-29-2004, 12:59 PM
The Ada programming language was named for Lady Ada Lovelace, who might or might not have been the worlds first programmer. She wrote code to run on a machine proposed but never built by her boyfriend, Charles Babbage in the 1840s.

11-29-2004, 11:18 PM
You can download the WoW client from Fileplanet - It's the beta connector but patches to retail.

I can host an EQ2 rip of the DVD version for an admin to download and host for the community, PM me if this would help any.

If only I was on high speed I would love to download either of then, but I've only started my new job last month and currently don't live directly in the MTS definition (and more importantly the ADSL limit) of living within flin flon, so I'm kinda up the proverbial creek for the moment. :)

12-01-2004, 07:33 PM
I have begun compiling packet logs from EQ2 to examine the protocol. So far it looks remarkably similar to EQ1. Surprisingly so. 16-bit opcode, simple once-over XOR encryption plus (for some packets) additional RSA-type encryption and/or zlib compression (haven't worked those out yet in my packet logger, which sits inside EQ2.exe).

All things considered, a showeq-style client for EQ2 may not be completely out of the question, if folks are willing to accept the limitations of LOS-radiused spawnupdates.

12-02-2004, 12:24 AM
We already have that issue in SEQ for EQ. Mob position updates are only sent if you get inside a 1000 unit radius and has been so for at least a year I believe. If the whole zone population and all mob spawnings are sent to the client still, then even with the sight limit it will still be beneficial.

Zone in, look at SEQ2, nope mob I want isn't anywhere in zone, leave for elsewhere....

12-02-2004, 02:19 AM
I'm just reversing the zlib stuff now, and then I'll look at the RSA stuff (I'm sure this is the infamous key that everyone wanted to pass to SEQ from the guts of EQ...)

12-07-2004, 07:37 AM
I know that EQ is 1000 radius update, any clue the radius on EQ2? The tracker classes seem to be getting tracking information from quite a distance.

12-21-2004, 01:46 PM
Actually, I suspect that the radiusing in EQ2 is identical to that in EQ1. I haven't fully reversed the stream yet (I just managed to get the spawn prediction stuff last night -- LATE last night... *yawn*) but just from what I'm seeing, it looks like it's probably the same fixed radius.

01-01-2005, 03:28 PM
Actually, I heard that SOE was going to announce that they were going to start allowing SEQ in EQ 1 only, as a means of trying to stem the exodus of people from the game.

01-02-2005, 12:35 AM
does it matter... it already works against EQ. Just doesn't work IN EQ. Judging by the lack of patches that have truly broken SEQ in the last year or more, I would guess they already consider that fight lost and are focusing on EQ2.