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11-19-2004, 02:51 AM
hey guys ive been readin and tryin to figure out how to do the install and whatnot but im a computer moron i guess cuz i cant figure it out. Can anyone help me through the install plz?

11-19-2004, 03:09 AM
Err. More specifics would be good, Do you have Linux up and running, is it just SEQ that give you trouble etc etc.

Also try search, Not often you have to ask a question as its all been covered before.

Tor K'tal
11-19-2004, 09:02 AM
Maybe start here (http://www.showeq.net/forums/faq.php?faq=new_faq_item#faq_seqfaq_purpose).

But how about a quick series of yes/no's to point you, and hopefully allow you to point us in the right direction to help you. (Please don't post answer to each of thes questions, as I did not write them in such a way to have you answer them directly, but to gauge at what point you are getting to in the process and hopefully where to go to get help at that step most readily)

Are you talking about SEQ or MySEQ (they are different) ?
If MySEQ, then... Maybe ask the guys over in the MySEQ forum (http://www.showeq.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=60)
If SEQ, then... Do you get any error messages?
If yes, then... Please search on them and then ask about them if that didn't help.
If no, then... Are you even getting that far (compiling/configuring)?
If yes (compiling/configuring), then... Maybe the faq document might be able to pointed you in the right direction, or the INSTALL, or the INSTALL.newbie files (what packages are required)... if not, be more specific so we can try and help.
If no (compiling/configuring) then... Are you able to untar the file?
If yes (untar) then... Can your question be answered by reading the INSTALL.newbie file that came with what you downloaded?
If no (untar) then... at the console prompt where you have downloaded the tarbal to. Based on the file extention you downloaded:
type "tar -xvzf seqfiletar.gz" for a .tar.gz file (gzipped)
type "tar -xvjf seqfile.tar.bz" for a .tar.bz file (bzipped)
or type "tar -xvf seqfile.tar" for one that isn't zipped.
that still didn't work...did your computer says it doesn't have the 'tar' command on it?
if no, yay that is a step in the right direction... how did you get to this point anyway, somethign before here should have helped you.
if yes, then... are you on a linux machine or a windows machine?
if windows, then... SEQ does not run on windows
if linux, then... I'm impressed but you should be able to merge that in fairly easily. Visit your linux distrobutions site for how to go about it (emerge, rpm, etc etc). Or it might not be in the path and you should check in the /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /bin, /sbin folders for it and just put the appropriate one at the start of the "tar ..." line (e.g. /bin/tar -xvjf seqfile.tar.bz)

There are a few documentional quirks with CVS... but most of that stuff you shouldn't have to worry about as most likely you grabbed a tarball (I don't exactly remember which is the wrong and which is the right cvs export line anymore. One of them contains 'seq' in the server part of the line and the other doesn't). But if you just read that and thought WTF is CVS, probably need to start with the FAQ and work your way to the INSTALL.newbie file and know that if you downloaded the latest tarball, you shouldn't need to worry about any of the CVS related stuff.

~ TK

11-19-2004, 12:53 PM
oh no i dont have either of those, i was trying to download showeq but i didnt know that i have to have a second computer. I thought that since i have eq windows that i might be able to run this program cuz my buddy was tellin me about it. Is there any way that i can run it or a similar program on the same computer that im playin EQ on? I have windows xp if that matters.

Thanks guys,

* edit *
ran a search tryin to find somethin for windows, but its just people talkin about it, not really sayin fi there is one or anythin =\.

11-19-2004, 03:55 PM
Try here...


It is similar to SEQ and runs on windows. Word of warning, it is detectable and is a bannable offense if they ever bother to check for it. The SEQ for linux is also bannable, but it is passive and cant be detected.

11-29-2004, 01:04 PM
This forum is a kinder, gentler place than it once was.

Bah! Harumph!

11-29-2004, 01:38 PM
No need to keep the rabble out anymore. Sony started that trend, blame them.

11-29-2004, 10:09 PM
This forum is a kinder, gentler place than it once was.

Bah! Harumph!

Ok, how is this:

RTFM You loser! Every freaking thing you could ever think of has been asked and answered already use the DAMN Search button.

Dont see it? OPEN YOUR EYES AND LOOK AT THE TOP. It is the thing that says S E A R C H.

Still dont see it? Jesus Christ, Ill make it real easy for you. Click the link below!

S E A R C H (http://www.showeq.net/forums/search.php?s=)

Now do you see it? No? I give up. I think a blood vessel just popped in my brain.

Just go the hell away! We dont want nor do we need you here!

How was that? Better for you who_me_use_seq? :D

11-29-2004, 11:28 PM
Good job BA, I miss the days that kinf of comment was commonplace, much fewer stupid questions.

11-30-2004, 01:48 AM
Let's try :p

1. Learn reading ( seems you have done that already - good start )
2. type in the addressline of your browser www.showeq.net
3. Look at your screen - read all
4. Try to find the button SEARCH
5. Put your mouse over that button
6. Click it
7. Write "Install" in the line for "Search Forum"
8. Press Go
9. Read the results

10. Feel free to repeat it with other Questions ...

*** Hint there is an easter-egg on the main page ... FAQ ;)***


12-01-2004, 10:17 AM
OK, I can see this drifting a bit off-topic but I have to say -

When I was a newb (not that I would claim I am anything but a newb, now), if I can remember back that far, I remember first discovering search. I used Altavista (when they were on-top and hot -- boy wasn't that a long time ago) to answer all my tough technical questions. Occasionally when Altivista couldn't answer my questions I'd resort to the multi-search engine (I think it was 4in1).

By the time I made it to SEQ, I was a fairly old-hand with search. I was stunned and amazed at the stupidity and laziness of some of the posts. I remember numerous instances where someone would post a repeat question not 5 posts away from a similar question or the exact same question. Not only were they not using search, they weren't even bothering to scan the first few headers/subjects before posting. I seem to even remember one instance where 4 or 5 people posted the exact same question back-to-back.

As much as I had scanned the forums for technical detail, I became an avid follower of SEQ forums; as interesting as I found the techincal reading and some of the problems people would run in to, the responses to pure stupidity and laziness (the flames) were amazing. I've seen flaming before, but the participants here take flaming to an art form. Not just RTFM and the occasional ass-ripping that you see in other forums, the creativity in the flames posted by this group shoots right past the entertainment mark into "captivating entertainment." I've even seriously considered posting a few "gimmes" just to see who would respond with the best flame (but never followed through).

Things do seem to be a bit more quiet, of late. I'm glad to see everyone still in top form, if a bit laggy. :)

After reading through this before posting, a thought occurred to me. Maybe we should start a Flame Forum with voting and put in some of the best and most-creative flames from the other forums. At least, it sounds like fun to me :)

12-01-2004, 10:37 AM
I loved www%dogpile%com back in the day, as well as astalavista%box%sk, both of them have degenerated into something that I wont even conceede by linking to in this post and raising their hit count with the search robots. The %'s are periods. ( . ) without the ( )

12-01-2004, 09:06 PM
I go back to the old Hackerquest boards when it comes to SEQ, but not from the start.

It wasnt untill the mass bannings for the winseq that drew me into SEQ. I didnt even know it existed until people started to get banned for using the windows version (they scanned the task manager for the windows version). I guess I have Verant to thank for letting me know this existed.

I had just started my new job and needed to learn Unix better. What a better way than to start my own linux box and get the undetectable version of SEQ (linux) running!

I did about 2 weeks worth of reading (both on HQ boards and www.tldp.org)before I even attempted to try to complie the source (wasnt nearly as easy as it is now). I failed. But after a lot more reading I got it to comple. I never even asked a question until after it was compiled and running.

If you thought that these boards were bad, you should have seen the old HQ boards.

The majority of the people HATED the windows version and if anyone was stupid enough to ask a winseq question, even nomex/kevlar wouldnt have protected the person.

I do kind of miss seeing Ashran, Megaton and Draigon posts though.

And of course, for those who dont remember/werent around, Ratt saved SEQ from certain death. Ash was too busy to work on it and the project was basically dead (and broken).

Ratt even fought off lawsuit threats. He has much bigger balls than I do. I dont think I could have fought Verant/Sony. I probably would have folded and complied with thier wishes.

Ok...now that I have totally derailed this thread...I guess anything is fair game now. Maybe our next topic should be a thank you series to Ratt for his efforts. Then we could move on to Zaphod, Cavemanbob and Slartibartfast thank yous. :)