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01-07-2005, 07:30 AM
I have never really been a EQ fan but this whole emulation thing seems interesting to me, no Im not a programmer "sorry". However I see you guys do allot of packet sniffing and data gathering, I have a request if it could be met. Can someone emulate the eve online client, oh ya by the way nice work hope you get EQ2 emulated :P

01-07-2005, 10:05 AM
I think you walked into the wrong door. Much like walking into the womens restroom on mistake, just turn around and walk out and pretend no one noticed.

01-07-2005, 03:36 PM
Heh...someone do an article on SEQ/MySEQ? Lot of activity all of a sudden.

FYI: Neither SEQ nor MySEQ are emulators just so EVERYONE knows. They are programs that display maps, show what spawns are in the zone, where those spawns are and a few other things. That is it. They do not make you uber, they do not make you l33t, they are just tools that are usefull to some people.

Yes I am having a bad day... :mad:

01-08-2005, 03:20 PM
Heh my appologies then I will leave.

01-08-2005, 07:33 PM
As I said, just seems like a lot of Newbies for a 6 year old game.

I think EQEmu died a little while back. You can still get to the cvs at http://sourceforge.net/projects/eqemu/

Ethernalquest is available here. I dont know the status of that either.

SEQ was born from www.hackersquest.com (same thing as ethernalquest site) but was move here after the project kind of died.

If you want information about SEQ and MySEQ, read the Faq, read the message boards and use the search as much as possible. Just about every question that could be asked, has been asked and has been answered many times over. In fact, we have even answered the age old question of "What is the air-speed velocity of an unlaiden swallow?"

FYI here is the Answer:
Drag on a body in a fluid is:
D = Cd*pi*r^2*rho*Vo^2
Cd = coefficient of drag of the swallow
pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 105820
r = radius of bird cross-section (approximating as a circle)
rho = viscosity of air
Vo = velocity
For steady state flight, D (drag) = T (thrust), so:
Vo = sqrt(T/Cd*pi*r^2*rho)
There you go. Just plug in the information and thats that.

So just remember to search before asking something that may have been asked before.

01-08-2005, 10:56 PM
actually SEQ originated at hackersquest.gomp.ch then moved to hackersquest.com

01-09-2005, 08:23 PM
actually SEQ originated at hackersquest.gomp.ch then moved to hackersquest.com

I used the hackersquest.com because I dont think the gomp.ch works any more.

I dont know if they had the .gomp.ch site up originally, but I do know the original message board was an ezboard. I still have the bookmark in my netscape address book on one of my backups somewhere. It still existed until about a year ago when ezboard did a purge. I know I also posted the old ezboard link on HQ a while back for kicks.

Ok you got me searching...I found the message I had posted on HQ that had the url for the original board. Too bad it isnt there any more.

My post about HQ:

Original HQ board:

01-09-2005, 11:01 PM
right, was just pointing out that the .com site is newer than even gomp.ch. So, even though it isn't still running, it does predate it, heheh :)