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View Full Version : Feature Request

Tor K'tal
02-20-2005, 11:41 PM
So I was trying to load the map of Hateplaneb and I kept thinking it wasn't displaying. Fact was it was displaying but the lines were all black, which on black background doesn't mesh.

I realize I wrote a perl script that will fix that little oddity and a few other problems with .map files (atleast I altered a sanity check script to do it) some time ago. If, I can find it again I'll just run it against my latest download of maps. But it dawned on me, that it might be possible to check if the color of the line is too close to the BG color and if so, it XORs it or something similar in order to make it more vissable.

Doable (easily)? Do I have to do it? Far more trouble than it's worth?

~ TK

:edit: typo corrections, subject change

02-21-2005, 01:20 AM
Want it, implement it and submit a patch. Or could even submit a perl script that checks the maps outside of SEQ for that kind of issue :)