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12-20-2001, 03:12 PM
I have QT 2.3.1 installed and latest updates. I don't see a 2.3.2+ is there a contrib or similar trusted .deb file available? To keep the box semi clean I'd rather not compile and spread more files around the disk.

12-20-2001, 04:07 PM
there is not currently, but you cant use that anyway, debian's qt is compiled against g++ 2.95, and will not link with showeq. You need to obtain the sources (ftp.troll.no, or apt-get source libqt2) and compile qt with g++ 3.

12-21-2001, 01:22 AM
Be on Casey's good side and have him do it for ya :)



12-22-2001, 11:37 PM
Has anyone found a qt-2.3.2 deb package from a trusted source yet?

12-23-2001, 11:33 AM
There isnt one because it needs to be compile with v3 not v2.95 (like the rest of debian), but once you install the g++3 debs (and associated libs) all you have to do is mv the old g++/gcc to .old and link gcc.3/g++.3 to gcc/g++. Then untar/gz the source, add a few lines to your profile, source it, and follow the directions in the qt INSTALL file, ./configure -thread && make, and compile seq. It took me about 5 hours total on a 166 pentium. No errors at all.

12-26-2001, 02:35 PM
Your right. I talked with the qt deb maintainer and he said debian will stay with gcc-2.95 for the forseeable future. He also mentioned debian tried qt-2.3.2, but it had too many problems so debian is staying with qt-2.3.1 unless trolltech comes out with a qt-2.3.3.

12-30-2001, 01:22 AM
i'm working on a qt 2.3.2 debian package build against gcc 3. It wont be as robust as the packages in the official archive, and i wont be doing a libqtX and libqrX-dev and libqtX-mt, etc packages.

I'll just basically be the lib, src, include, extensions, bin, etc dirs from the built source packaged to install under /usr/lib/qtgcc3-2.3.2/*

i have the debs built, i just need to do some testing, and i'll publish an apt source to get the pacakges at some point. As always, my packages are built against unstable, if you arent using that, dont come to me with dependancy problems :)

12-30-2001, 04:22 AM
ok, for you debian unstable users :)

deb ftp://azriel.trifocus.net/debian dists/qtgcc3/
deb-src ftp://azriel.trifocus.net/debian dists/qtgcc3/

the binary packages are

installs /usr/lib/qtgcc3-2.3.2/lib, include, bin which inlcudes all the headers you need to link against, and shared libraries for QT (no static libs). QT is configured with "-thread -gif -system-jpeg -system-l
ibmng -xft"

installs the qt man pages into section 3 of the manual

installs the html docs to /usr/share/doc/qtgcc3-doc/html/, this does not yet register itself with debian-doc (i dont think), so if you are running dwww or some other similar software, it will not be automatically indexed and inserted into the documentation menus.

the source deb will get you the qt source along with my ghetto build info, which you can use debuild or dpkg-buildpacakge to produce these three debs from.

the .dsc file is signed with my pgp private key, and you can verify it against my public key available in mit's public pgp keyserver, and then you can decide whether or not you'd like to trust me :)

once this is installed, grab showeq and when you get to the configure step,

./configure CC=gcc-3.0 CXX=g++-3.0 QTDIR=/usr/lib/qtgcc3-2.3.2

should get you going, and dont forget to put /usr/lib/qtgcc3-2.3.2/lib in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, /etc/ld.so.conf or some other place so the dynamic loader will know where to find the libs.

I have not automatically added the libs to any search paths, because i want to avoid any possible conflicts with the offical qt packages (and the software on my box that depends on them )