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12-10-2005, 07:56 AM
I have a question that I have searched googled to death, as well as numerous searches on these forums without an answer.

I am sick of regular EQ, and I know I don't need to give any great explanation as to why this is. In a last ditch effort to try to relive some of the more enjoyable times in EQ, I have come across a Mac computer at work and am toying with the idea of installing EQ for the Mac on it. I was wondering if there is any kind of Macroquest or ShowEQ type program that works for the EQMac client. Any insight would be appreciated. I am praying that you know a guy that knows a guy that run a website out of his basement with a MQ or SEQ for EQMac or something of that nature. http://macroquest2.com/phpBB2/images/smiles/icon_wink.gif


12-10-2005, 08:48 AM
Seq doesn't run on the client. I don't know how up to date the mac server is kept, so it might not have the same packet structs as current live. It may be behind by months or years for all I know. So you might need to experiment and there's always the possibility that the mac server is even maintained by a different group and could be a mix of old and new.

It would be worth trying I'd imagine if you already have a linux box and hardware such that the linux box can see packets between the eq client and server.

12-10-2005, 09:21 AM
As far as I have heard, the mac EQ only has up to PoP and even that wasn't fully implemented.

I don't think SEQ would work on it without a lot of changes. As for the other programs, unless there is a win emulator, I don't think Myseq or MQ would work on it.

I'm not even sure if the Mac EQ is still running. Hell they just did away with legends so I'm sure they aren't far behind if it is still running.

12-10-2005, 04:26 PM
Yeah, it just sucks that none of the EQEMU sites are updated and sony refuses to put in an EQ Classic server. I guess I will have to toy with SEQ and see if I can get it to work, but to be honest, I am 99.9% sure that the net code for the mac server is not going to be compatible with what SEQ reads from the live server. Anyway, thanks for the quick responses.


12-10-2005, 07:53 PM
Why should Sony expend more resources and further split the player base by running a server with older versions of EQ? Better to have all the players on an equal footing in regards to the server versions. In reality EQ is really only geared for players who have no real life and so spend 8+ hours a day in the game to make progress.

The EQEMU servers update as fast as they feel is necessary to track the massive changes that happen to live when expansions come out. It takes them time and energy to keep up, so most of them find it easier to freeze at a set version and just tell players not to patch.

12-10-2005, 08:15 PM
In reality EQ is really only geared for players who have no real life and so spend 8+ hours a day in the game to make progress.

That was a pretty unnecessary kick in the balls to the people around here who actually amazingly do still play EQ. Just saying.

12-10-2005, 10:17 PM
Heh...Ive been playing for 7 years, but alas I have fallen behind. My gear sucks, no guilds want be because I dont have a billion AAs and such. I still try to have fun, but I am tiring of it. I still haven't really ventured into any zones past PoP.

12-29-2005, 12:26 PM
I understand that about EQEMU. I just don't have the client files for it anymore, since I quit keeping up with it. Then when I came back, they've frozen the version and it's against their forum rules to ask for client files (yeah, can you hear the violin in the background over here), so anyway... I decided to fuck around with this Mac thing. I think that it will be cool, just nice to not have to deal with the idea of raiding nothing but PoP and GoD until your brain bleeds.

I don't play (and haven't ever played) for 8+ hours a day... I don't think that mentality (read as: requirement) came about until people started working through Planar Progression. There was a time when you could hit 60 and then help out your guildies with things. That time is long long gone, everything is about me, me, and me. Alas, I digress.

Nonetheless, thanks for the input on stuff. Best o' luck to yas.