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View Full Version : NEWS: New MySEQ release v1.18.2

12-16-2005, 07:55 PM
I added two new releases for those folks having troubles. The releases are as follows:

server v1.18.1 : requires NETv2.0 and possible Visual C++ Express to run
server v1.18.2 : should not require anything to run
client v1.18.1 : requires NETv2.0 to run
client v1.17.0 : requires NETv1.1 to run

All clients work with all servers, it's just a matter of getting the right combination that works best for you. I recommend trying server 1.18.2 and client 1.18.1, but if the client is giving you NET problems, fall back to client 1.17.0. Just understand that going forward you will want to resolve your issues, otherwise you will not gain the benefits of features added to the client.

Noone should need to use server 1.18.1, but if you got it working, great. Server 1.18.2 should also work for you as well.

There are new offsets as of 12/16/2005. I think the patch came on 12/15/2005 but I didn't know until just a bit ago.

Good luck!

12-23-2005, 09:30 AM
If you are seeing a popup exception when running the client, download the Docking.bmp file located here http://www.showeq.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5492 and place it in your client folder. This has resolved at least two people's issues so far.